A Lost Year and New Beginning

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Image above is from a Google Search, this is Braxton Lane Fuller....

***Braxton's POV***

My life has never been one that anyone would envy... well not until recently that is. When I was a child I was orphaned by my parents only having minimal contact with my cousins Raven and Skylar though the older I got the less time I received. I had always known that they mistreated little Skylar but when I voiced my objects they cut my off completely and moved away. The first few foster homes after that were... CRAP... they refused to feed me and tried to beat me, but I have never been small, and my inner black tiger would never allow that. 

Image above is Braxton's Black Tiger

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Image above is Braxton's Black Tiger....

When I turned sixteen I graduated high school and by the time I was nineteen I was out of college with two successful phone apps under my belt with one catering to dating and the other catering to gaming through MMORPG's. By the time I was twenty-one I had my own company with over fifty employees and had started the search for my cousins as Skylar would then have been nine and I had already missed out on seven years of his life hoping every day that my worst fears were wrong. Something you need to realize is that large cat shifters are rare and because of this hunters in the supernatural community tend to covet us so we do everything possible to hide who we truly are which makes tracking us a lot harder.

Now seven more years have passed and as I sit in my large black leather chair behind my executive office desk looking out the window I catch myself thinking about him again. Now twenty-eight I stand close to six five with an athletic frame sporting shorter sandy blonde hair swept to the left and back with light yellow green eyes while almost always sporting a shorter well-trimmed goatee. Though thinking about how I look today I know that even if I found them they would never know who I am. Just as this thought crosses through my mind the intercom screeches as my assistant announces that my private investigator has arrived... though I had not planned on seeing him.

After advising her to let him in I sit back in my chair again just as the doors open and the young man who had been tracking my family walks in sitting across from me...

Braxton: "Did we have a meeting?"

Investigator: "Nope!" He smirks looking awfully full of himself and when I don't bite, rather keeping a straight face he sighs before having me a paper.

Braxton: "What..." I growl slightly before looking down to see a medical document with the patient name 'Skylar' on it. "You found them!"

Investigator: "Yeah but you won't like it."

Braxton: "I don't care! Tell me!" I snarl at him making his shrink slightly before he straightens up again.

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