Thomas' Mate the CEO

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Image above is a reminder as to who Thomas is....

***Thomas' POV***

At first, I had expected Silas to continue being ignorant towards his new found link the Oliver, but he surprised all of us when he finally welcomed it with open arms. Everything seemed to go back to normal after that with Nicolas announcing that he would give Silas another three months to find a mate before he arranged the power shift again. While we all knew about second chance mates they were almost as hard to find as your first mate if not harder, though Silas was willing to try anything to get his life back on track. However, right now I find myself sitting outside the heart doctor's office at the hospital waiting for Silas as he has his checkup appointment though after an hour I got bored and wondered off.

Heading towards the cafeteria I am almost overwhelmed by the heavenly smell of cocoa and cinnamon that has Darius my wolf yipping in my mind. Without having to think about it I follow the smell and find myself in the middle of the cafeteria looking around for a moment before my eyes land on the sexiest man I have ever seen. Before I can stop myself, I have him by the shoulder shoving him against the wall spilling his coffee all over the floor as he snarls at me baring his teeth... a cat... though as I think this Darius screams 'MATE' and I find myself muttering it out loud as the man instantly relaxes.

Lost in his eyes for a moment I suddenly release him before asking the lady behind the counter for the same as he had just ordered, then handing it to him we head over to sit down in silence for a moment...

Braxton: "So... that was interesting." He smiles, and I have to say it's sexy!

Thomas: "Not one of my better moments..."

Braxton: "Don't worry. You replaced the coffee which is what is important." He says making me chuckle slightly as he smiles brightly again.

Thomas: "Can we perhaps start again..." I ask as he nods slightly still sporting the most adorable smirk. "...Hello, my name is Thomas Satarian." I say extending my hand to him as he reaches out to take it sending sparks through my entire body.

Braxton: "B-Braxton F-Fuller..." He stammers proving that he is feeling them as well though he isn't removing his hand from mine.

Thomas: "What are you doing here?" I ask moving my hand so that I can trace circles in the back of his hand as a slight blush rushes up his neck.

Braxton: "I-I.... my cousin has been in a coma for a year, but I just recently found him. I moved him here today so that he would get better care."

Silas: "THOMAS!" He yells as I snap my attention to the door to see him walking in looking for me.

Braxton: "You need to go?" He asks almost looking upset.

Thomas: "Not yet... be right back." I smile getting up and heading over to Silas who has managed to locate me sitting at the table with Braxton. "I am not leaving yet! I found my mate!"

Silas: "Well then... how will you get home?"

Thomas: "Cab!" I huff seeing a smile cross Silas' face before he turns waving over his shoulder as he exits.

Shaking my head slightly I head back to the table just as Braxton stands checking his phone, looking up at me he announces that he needs to head upstairs to which I motion for him to lead the way. In the short amount of time it takes us to head up to the third floor I learn that he is a black tiger shifter and that he is twenty-eight... ten years older than me... I really would never have guessed that. Our age difference doesn't seem to faze him and if I am being honest it has little effect on me as I welcome my mate wholeheartedly! However, what manages to give me pause is when he tells me that he is the CEO of a well-known tech firm in town... A FRAKIN CEO! Not only a CEO mind you, nope, a multi-millionaire CEO who owns the largest home in the area next to our pack house as well as having the money in his personal account to purchase at least ten more.

Please don't get me wrong I don't care about the money and I will never ask him for any of it but knowing this about him makes me think for a brief second that I may not be enough....

Braxton: "Stop!" He snaps pulling me out of my daze as we reach the room. "Don't ever thing low of yourself for any reason."

Thomas: "Reading minds is an unfair advantage."

Braxton: "Then don't wear your thoughts on your face." He chuckles running his thumb over my cheek.

Thomas: "But... you're okay... with this... us?"

Braxton: "Hell yes! I always wanted a lumberjack." He smirks making me roll my eyes slightly as he wraps his arms around my waist forcing a slight groan out at the sparks. "I am more than happy with my little wolf."

Thomas: "Oh babe..." I say with a straight face leaning down to allow my lips to ghost over his ear. "...nothing is little about me."

Leaning back after kissing his ear, it takes everything in me to keep a straight face as he is wide eyed with a blush covering his cheeks, neck and ears. Though I only see it for a second before he buries his face in my chest trying to hide it from me forcing a deep chuckle out of me as I wrap my arms around him just before someone clears their throat in the room next to us....

Raven: "Who is this?" The girl in the room asks putting her hands on her hips, and I have to say that she is rather beautiful in a unique way.

Without answering the question Braxton simply motions between the two of us without pulling his head up which makes me think his blush had gotten worse when he was caught...

Thomas: "I'm Thomas Satarian... his mate!" I say smiling as I extend my hand to her which she gladly shakes.

Raven: "Raven Fuller, his younger cousin." She smiles motioning for us to walk into the room.

Heading into the room I take a seat on the left side of the couch at the opposite end of the room as the boy who is almost like sleeping beauty. He is a bit frail but appears to be very good looking, though seeing me looking him over Braxton immediately plants himself in my lap with a huff... Oh! I love the jealous side! A moment later Raven joins us sitting on the other end of the couch cross legged just as the doctor walks into the room....

Doctor: "Mr. Fuller you are very lucky you brought him here."

Braxton: "How so?" He asks looking almost freaked by what could be coming next and responding almost instinctually I begin rubbing calming circles in his back.

Doctor: "The medication the humans were using to help him had a particle that is commonly found in silver laced in it. While it wasn't enough to kill him, it did essentially trap him."

Thomas: "What will happen now?" I ask feeling invested in my mate's family already.

Doctor: "We have started the process of removing it from his body though it will take time. While I can't tell you when... as soon as the substance has been cleared from his body he should wake up."

With that the doctor exits the room as Raven shrieks hugging Braxton tightly before heading to the bed to check on her brother though the shriek is one reason I don't like girls. Letting out a relieved sigh Braxton leans back into me and a moment later he is out like a light. I don't think today could have been any better... I found my mate and was not only welcomed by him but his family which is more than I could ever ask for. 

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