Silver Spring Pack - Rejection One

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Image above is Stephen James as Silas Damion Moore....

Image below is Silas' truck....

Image below is Silas' truck

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***Silas' POV***

Have you ever woken up thinking that something horrible is about to happen?

That is how I awoke this morning... to the feeling of dread and as if my wolf was pacing in my mind which had me on edge as he never so much as moved normally. After heading into the bathroom to empty my bladder, brush my teeth and shower, I double checked my bags before ensuring that everyone else was packed and ready. Unable to locate the issue I simply headed down to my lifted tricked out jet black truck that I have to say is the sexiest vehicle ever... but don't ask me... Thomas is also in love with my truck and demands to be the one to drive which I don't mind. Even after taking him out for steak last night to apologize I still feel bad for attacking him for nothing so letting him drive is really no problem. 

Today we are heading to the Silver Spring Pack for a week to work out an alliance while searching for our mates and from what I hear they are looking forward to our arrival. The drive itself only takes three hours but with Jacob snoring the entire time I nearly crack resisting the urge to turn and snap his neck, though Oliver simply turns punching him in the face drawing a very... manly... screech out of him causing us to burst out laughing. My father and his Beta along with the Beta's wife decided to travel in my father's Audi but again I didn't mind as that just meant we didn't have to behave.

Pulling into the packs territory we can instantly sense that this pack is not only smaller but weaker than ours which may be the reason behind them jumping at the opportunity to join into an alliance with us. Parking outside what we assume is their pack house the cars are almost instantly surrounded by potential mates which has us sharing looks of dread before exiting the cars. While the boys don't seem to be phased by anything around us meaning their mates are not present, I am instantly hit by a strong scent though I am surprised it isn't overpowering and heavenly like everyone had always said it was.

This smells like ash and smoke which has me pausing in my steps for a moment then my eyes widen in shock when I hear Titus scream, 'DON'T SHOW YOU CARE,' into my head. HE SPOKE! Wait... why is the first thing he says to me... EVER... not to show emotion? Turning towards where my father is now talking with the Alpha of this pack I come face to face with a shorter brunette woman who appears to be on the plain side and I instantly know that the smell is coming from her....

Brittany: "I, Brittany Howell, hear by reject you as my mate!" She sneers at me and I know why Titus had told me not to show any emotion.

Though she's not anywhere near my typical standard for someone I would want to be with she was my mate, so I was more than willing to love her but rejecting me without even knowing my name. A searing pain began shooting through my veins straight to my heart seeming to squeeze the life out of it as it became harder to breath, though following Titus' words I schooled my face showing absolutely no emotion...

Silas: "I, Silas Moore, accept your rejection!"

Then I suddenly know why I had felt so out of it earlier in the day, knowing that all eyes were on us I stepped to the side to walk by her when the most excruciating pain shot through my side. Looking down I find her hand literally embedded in my chest missing my heart by mere centimeters though by the pain I can tell she has something silver on her somewhere. Ripping her hand out of my chest I lose the ability to function and before I know it everything goes black...

***Titus' POV***

THAT BITCH! I knew the moment we stepped out and smelled her that she was a mate with evil intentions as those who are marked by evil often smell of ash. I watched as Silas looked down at her hand sticking out of our chest and knew that she had embedded something silver within our chest in hopes of piercing our heart and killing us. As she ripped her hand out I felt Silas become overwhelmed by the pain, but I was less than willing to allow this... this.... WHORE... to get away with this and for the first time I took over. I had not ever talked with Silas let alone take over as he always seemed to think and do exactly what I wanted him to without me having to really do anything.

Our body goes slack for all of a moment as she laughs to herself and I can hear my father demanding someone do something while glaring daggers at the packs Alpha. Before anyone can move I have her in my hand by her throat holding her several feet off the ground as she chokes and claws at my hand, though this only pisses me off as I allow my claws to extend piercing into the sides of her neck as blood runs freely over my hand. Everyone around me has looks of shock though none of them move to stop me as her death is mine to command for attacking me as she had. Squeezing my hand shut I hear the satisfying crack alerting me to the fact that her neck was now broken which had her body going slack as the life drained from her eyes. This wasn't enough... NO... not enough for me as I reached up with my other hand ripping her head clean from her body as several gasps ring out through the crowd. 

Hearing someone growl at me I turn back to the crowd as my aura becomes stronger making most of them whimper as Oliver suddenly steps in front of me....

Oliver: "Silas?" He questions instantly noticing my glowing red eyes that seem to look right through him begging someone to start something with me. "Titus?!"

Nicolas: "OLIVER!" He yells seeming to want him to get away from me for fear of what I might do though to his surprise my body relaxes slightly as I stare into his eyes.

Titus: "Brother..." I groan suddenly noticing the pain and blood loss. "Cyrus.... Brother... help... me..." I beg as my body goes slack and the world seems to plunge into darkness.

***Oliver's POV***

I felt rooted to the ground as I watched in horror as my best friend was not only rejected by his mate but stabbed through what I assumed was his heart. To my surprise after going slack for a brief moment he snatches her by the throat holding her off the ground as he growls and snarls at her before snapping her neck then ripping her head clean off her body. Hearing a growl from the crowd I find my body moving on its own as I suddenly find myself standing directly in front of a raging beast who I am stunned to find is Titus and not Silas....

Nicolas: "OLIVER!" He yells seeming to want me out of the way, but I refuse to leave him like this.

Titus: "Brother..." He groans suddenly looking to be in a great deal of pain as the blood continues to run out of his chest down his body pooling at his feet. "Cyrus.... Brother... help... me..." He stammers begging to Cyrus for help.


'Please! Just help him... I swear to tell you later!" He whines seeming to want nothing more than help out Titus.

As his body goes slack I rock forward slamming my shoulder into Silas' stomach lifting him over my shoulder in a single fluid motion knowing that there would be a bruise but not really caring at the moment...

Alpha: "THIS WAY!" He yells from a head of me rushing towards the house as I quicken my pace to follow after him.

I swear that his pack will pay with their lives if Silas dies!

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