eleven: Ass Kicking

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Bayley's POV

"What are you doing here? How did you get here? And more importantly, how did you find me?" I ask surprised.

"Someone had to bring you home..."  Alexa says, staring me down.

"My leave is until next week..." I trail off, staring at her, still not knowing if she's real. "But how did you find me? I didn't tell anyone, not even Stephanie, where I am?"

"Bayley, I'm your best friend. You think I did not know where you're going? You always raved about going to Hawaii, so I figured, what's the chance?" She says monotonous, not showing any emotions.

"That still doesn't explain how you found me so easily?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at her.

"All I had to do was flirt with a few guys and accidentally bump into a few hotel managers guest lists. It was easy, but that's not the issue here." She says still flat toned.

"What is the problem then exactly?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"You." She states plainly.

"What are you on about Alexa?" I ask using her full name for the first time in a long time. She flinches, but recovers quickly and sends a death glare my way.

"You don't get to argue with me, break up with your fiancé and then run away, leaving only a lame ass letter as an excuse. You don't get to ignore all our texts and calls. You don't get to leave us alone picking up the pieces." She says with a lot of anger and resent in her voice with maybe a bit of sadness.

"I had to leave. It was for the-"

"Don't you dare say it was for the best. Do you know in what state you left Finn? He was crushed Bayley. AJ and I had to dry his tears and tell him that it's going to be okay. He started spiralling." She says and I feel bits of my heart breaking.

"I didn't mean to-"

"No, Bayley you need to shut the fuck up and stop thinking about yourself. You keep saying that it was necessary and blah blah. It wasn't necessary, it wasn't the best, it was the most fitting for you. Ever since we were friends, you always ran from your problems. Not fucking now!" She now shouts.

"It had to be done, Alexa! What did you expect me to do? I couldn't stay there, because it would have ruined Finn even more if he had to see me everyday and not talk to me. I'm sorry!" I shout.

"All I hear is selfish excuses." She states and then it is like something flips inside me.

I tackle Alexa and hit her a few times. She's obviously shocked at first, but then she recovers and block my hits.

"That's all you got?" She mocks me and I swear that she's trying to wake the demon inside of me.

She pushes me off of her and punches me hard against my jaw. I spit out some blood and she then picks me up and literally throws me through a glass table.

I shake the shards of glass off of me, sit up straight and kick her feet out from under her.

"I was not selfish. I was scared, Lex!" I scream, feeling hot tears in my eyes.

She then stops and stares at me with a softer look in her eyes.

"I was scared of feeling what I feel for Finn. I was afraid of hurting him or hurting myself, so I ran, like I always do." I say, feeling the tears run down my cheeks.

"I am so sorry for what I said and did to you. I honestly didn't know about Dolph's feelings for me. I swear. I have always been a shitty friend and I'm sorry, Lex. I'm sorry for hurting you and for leaving you. I am so s-sorry." I cry and then feel her arms around me.

She pulls me close and then she also starts to cry and we're both just a puddle of crying mess.

"You were never a bad friend, Bayles. You were the bestest best friend I could've asked for. I know that you didn't know. You are not that type of person. I am also sorry for the shit I said. You're my best friend, Bayles. I missed you so much." She cries and I laugh lightly through my tears.

"I love you Lex. Thanks for giving me this much needed ass kicking." I say and she laughs.

"I love you too, Bayles. What am I here for, anyways?" She asks and we both look at each other and laugh..

I missed this girl so much.


"So, did you contact Finn yet?" Lex asks me as we're both under the covers in my queen sized bed with a lot of junk food and Netflix after we cleaned up the mess in the living room.

"No... I wouldn't know what to say to him." I admit and absentmindedly play with the fray of the blanket.

"Just tell him that you're okay and that you're sorry. Bayles, he needs to hear your voice. I have never seen Finn so miserable." She says and I feel a force tugging on my heartstrings.

"Okay." I say softly and get up. I grab my phone and go to the balcony.

I stare at the night sky and unlock my phone. There's still like a billion texts and voicemails on my phone. All from Finn.

I decide to listen to the last one.

"If you hear this, then delete the rest, cause this basically sums up everything. I don't know why you won't answer my calls. I am so f-fucking broken without you Bayley. You b-broke me. Then you l-left me. I have no idea how to move on without you. If you can leave me, then I'll leave you. But I still can't, cause my life without you isn't possible. Gosh. I think my time's alm-most up, but know that I could never hate you and I will always lo-"

The message ends there with a dramatic bleeping sound. He sounds so broken, hurt and very, very drunk.

I grimace and the thought and feel another round of tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm so sick of crying." I mutter.

I dial Finn's number. It rings for a few times but then goes to voicemail. I call him again, but it gets the same response.

"Hey Finn. I'm sorry for not picking up... I just needed time. I'll explain everything when I get home... But just know that you didn't do anything wrong. You could never do anything wrong. You are perfect." I say, with a sob escaping me.

"I love you Finn. Remember that." I say and send it.

I have never ever felt more vulnerable in my life.


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