two: Gym Popsicles

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Bayley's POV

"Lex, you are late, again." I say over the phone as I am impatiently waiting for Alexa to show up to our training session.

"I know, I am literally stuck in traffic. I'll be there in five." She says and hangs up on me.

She hung up on me?

I roll my eyes and walk out of the gym's bathroom. I might as well start with training. I put my earphones on and go to the treadmill.

I pick up the speed after a while and just get lost in the music when someone taps my shoulder.

I jump and then lose my balance and go tumbling to the floor. I hit my head against the side of the treadmill and groan loudly.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry, Bayley." Dolph says and helps me up.

I rub my head and he helps me to a weight lifting bench and I sit down.

"It is okay. I just get spooked easily." I wave him off and still rub my head

"I shouldn't have sneaked up on you, like that." He mutters, clearly feeling bad.

"Just forget about it. Did you need something?" I ask, since Dolph and I aren't really BFF's to say the least, so he wouldn't just talk to me.

"I actually wanted to know if you know where Alexa is? She's been avoiding my calls." He says with a sheepish look.

"Oh, yeah, she's actually on her way here. We were supposed to train together, but she ran late." I answer, but before either of us can get a word in, the Goddess herself, comes rushing into the gym.

She's wearing a cute hot pink crop top and black yoga shorts. Her hair is tied in a ponytail and I swear that she can even make the gym look, look sexy.

"Sorry that I am late, there was this idiot in the lane next to me who clearly doesn't know what-" She starts ranting, but stop when she sees Dolph.

"Hey, Alexa." He says and she glares at him.

"What do you want?" I grunts and my eyes widen.

"I just want to explain myself." He says and she narrows her eyes.

"You left me waiting in that restaurant for three hours! What did you expect?" She yells and I awkwardly shuffle away, muttering something about getting ice.

Even when I am a good distance away, I can still hear Alexa basically shouting poor Dolph's head off.

I chuckle at the thought and get a popsicle from the freezer, since they didn't have ice packs, and put it against my head. It will definitely leave a blue or purple bruise.

"Why are you putting a popsicle against your head?" AJ asks with an amused frown.

"I hit my head against the treadmill and this was the only thing I could find in that freezer." I grumble and he still frowns.

"I think the question I should be asking is why is there a popsicle in the gym's freezer?" He asks and when I think of it, I also frown.

"Yeah, come to think of it, that is surprisingly weird." I reply and then we both laugh.

"Tell me, how did you bump your head against the treadmill? Couldn't you keep up with the treadmill's speed?" He asks mockingly after we both sobered up after laughing.

"Dolph tapped my shoulder and then I sort of slipped and then bumped my head." I say with a shrug.

"And he was that close to you, but he couldn't catch you?" AJ asks, obviously a bit angry.

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