seven: Drunk Mind, Sober Heart

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Finn's POV

"What the hell, Mother?" I shout furiously after watching Bayley drive off.

"I had to do it, Finn. She isn't worth it." She says calmly.

"Yes she is, Mom. She deserves the whole damn world and it doesn't matter if she isn't ready to marry me now. She is my life and if you can't accept her, then you aren't part of it." I state angrily.

"Pardon me?" She asks shocked.

"You heard me. Now leave." I say deadly.

"I'm your mother." She says with hurt.

"You may be, but the way you treated my fiance right now, isn't right. Leave now before I call the cops to remove you." I say with absolutely no remorse.

"You'll thank me one day." She says simply and walks out.

Once she's out, I sit down on the ground and lean against the wall. This is a huge mess.


"Finn, it's only been three days. She's bound to show up at Raw. She's scheduled for tonight." AJ says, trying to comfort me as we are backstage at Raw.

It has been three days since my fight with Bayley and she never showed up. She went completely MIA.

She doesn't pick up when I call and Lex, AJ and I basically phone bombed her. The only reason I know that she isn't dead is because she did contact Sasha, just to tell her to tell us that she is okay.

But Sasha was sworn by Bayley not to tell us where she is.

And AJ said, she is scheduled for Raw, so she has to show up. I sigh loudly and continue playing with my chicken salad.

"Bayley's up in 10 minutes." They say over the speaker.

I look up and try to find her. AJ is also on his feet and scans the area for her.

That is when we see her.

I run towards her and grab her arm. She turns to me and giggles.

"Hey Fiancé, or should I say ex-fiance?" She says and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Bayley, are you drunk?" I ask shocked.

"Nope. I only drank a little bit." She says and shows a small distance between her thumb and forefinger.

"Is she...?" AJ asks with wide eyes.

"What's up, AJ? Did you enjoy talking about me?" She asks and his face is immediately overcome with guilt.

"Uh... I- uh..." He stutters rubbing the back of his neck..

"We don't have time for this. We have to get her off of tonight's Raw. Vince will fire her immediately if he sees this." I grit out and swiftly pick her up.

"Finn, put me down!" She yells, but I cover her mouth with my hand.

"Be quiet, Bayley." I hiss and then Alexa appears as we are walking down the hall backstage.

"AJ texted me. I told Hunter that Bayley is not feeling well. At first he bitched about getting her to medic, but I told him that she's already at the hotel. So you need to sneak her out of here." Lex says and I curse under my breath.

"Great." I state and walk off with a too drunk to care Bayley in my arms.

"Who is supposed to take Bayley's place in the match?" I hear Hunter's voice.


I get into a broom closet, just in time to dodge him. If he sees Bayley, then she can kiss her career goodbye.

"Finn... Why are we hiding?" She asks rather loudly and I shush her.

"Bay, you need to be quiet. Just for a bit." I say softly.

"Why?" She asks frowning.

"Because... We have to keep you from getting fired." I grumble and then the footsteps fade away.

"I like fire." She mutters sleepily.

I chuckle softly and continue carrying Bayley out of the building. When I reach my rental SUV, I place her in the back seat and start the car up.

And just like karma likes me, Stephanie McMahon appears. I curse and throw a blanket over Bayley.

"Be quiet, okay?" I say and she actually salutes me and lays back down. Stephanie knocks on my car window and I open it

"Are you on your way to Bayley?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I am, she sounded quite bad over the phone." I say, faking concern.

"Oh, well, tell her that she has to be cleared by the medics tomorrow if it doesn't clear up." She says and I nod.

"Yeah, of course, I will bring her myself." I wave her off.

I drive off and Bayley sticks her head out.

"Is she gone?" She asks with a softer voice.

"Yeah." I say and she smiles.

"I never liked her." She pouts and I laugh.

"No one does, Angel." I answer.

"Finn? Are you mad at me?" I ask him.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask her instead.

"No, just hurt that you didn't tell me about your doubts about me. I am just not ready Finn." She mutters and then she's gone.

A drunk mind speaks a sober heart, right?


"Uh, gosh, my head."

I turn around and see Bayley sitting upright in my bed. She rubs her head and frowns at her surroundings.

"What the-?" She exclaims and looks around frantically.

"You're up late." I comment.

"What am I doing here? Did I miss Raw? Oh my gosh, I shouldn't have drank that much." She says in one breath. I hand her some painkillers and juice along with a burger and fries.

"We had to lie and tell Hunter that you weren't feeling well. You showed up to the arena hammered. I had to sneak you out." I say with a slight grin.

Bayley pales and puts her head in her hands.

"I could've been fired." She mutters lowly.

"No one except AJ and Lex knows. It is fine." I say and she tenses.

"Of course they would know it. They already know everything else about our relationship." She mutters and I sigh.


"No, Finn. Why couldn't you talk to me?" She asks hurt.

"I was scared. And besides, I already have my answer. When you were drunk, you told me that you aren't ready." I say and she narrows he eyes at me.

"Why would I say that? Maybe because I felt that way since you made me feel that way. You think that I would've agreed to marry you if I had doubts? I love you Finn. You are the only person I want to spend forever with. No one else." She says, getting up.


"No, buts." She says and hugs me. I hug her back and pull her close against my chest.

"I love you too, Bayley." I whisper and kiss the top of her head .

"Good, now let's eat." She says and lightly pecks me.

I smile half-heartedly. There's still something that I can't shake...


Seeing the small cracks in the surface?

Just don't hate me. 😁

Much love Sasha-Lee❤️❤️

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