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I am backkk!! Missed me? * cue Paige *

Hello my beautiful friends. I really missed you guys.
You have no idea.

Well if you didn't read the description, this story is about Finn and Bayley planning their wedding.

We will journey with them through cake tasting, senseless arguments (cause who don't like some drama?) and countless of obstacles.

****** VERY IMPORTANT ******

And if you are reading my work for the first time then you should probably go to my profile and read The Demon's Hug first before you read this or else you're gonna be hella confused.

Oh and give my other books a hello❤️ they're all completed.

Much love Sasha-Lee❤️❤️
And enjoy❤️

The Demon's WeddingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum