twelve: Come Back To Me

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Finn's POV

"My head is killing me." I mutter and rub my head as I sit up in my bed.

AJ is passed out on the other bed, with loud snores erupting from him. He didn't want me to drink alone, so he joined.

We finished almost the entire bar. They had to forcibly remove us. Luckily there wasn't any press, so no one saw anything.

I groan and go to the kitchen in search of some painkillers. I see my phone on the table. The battery is drained. I put it into the charger and leave it, not bothering to check my messages.

The one person I want a text from, probably didn't send me anything.

I take some painkillers and get some for AJ as well. I make us some breakfast which is grilled cheese.

Bayley always tells me that I have a questionable sense of breakfast. I never eat normal breakfast meals. She'll always come early to my hotel room to make me something normal like eggs or pancakes or cereals.

I miss that.

I miss her.

"I am never ever drinking with you again." AJ grumbles angrily, grabbing the plate of grilled cheese and painkillers.

"I told you to keep an eye on me. Not drink with me." I counter and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Go shower, you stink." He states with a disgusted expression. I lift my arm up and smell under my armpits.

"Probably when that girl dumped her beer on my head when I accidentally bumped into her back." I comment dryly.

I go to the shower, in an attempt to wash the filthy smell of beer off of me. After I'm done, I dress into some sweatpants and hoodie and head off to the gym.


"You did not just do that." AJ laughs, as we are finished with our daily exercises.

"Come on, we all know that I would win Rollins in whose abs are more defined." I brag adding a wink for extra effect.

"But asking the girl to judge? I think she started hyperventilating when you asked her to say who was the best abs." He chuckles, shaking his head.

"She did do a good job. After all that stuttering though." I laugh and AJ continues joking around.

As we're walking out, still laughing about the poor girl, I almost don't notice that there's a human sized pig in the building. Or maybe a rat, cause pigs are way too cute to be compared to him.

"Hello Finn." Dolph says, cockily.

"Dolph." I spit his name as if I'm talking about trash.

"Let's leave." AJ mutters, attempting to pull me away.

I let AJ take me away before I rearrange his ugly face. But being the dumb prick he is, he has to provoke me further.

"Too bad Bayley isn't here. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her around. She must've realized that she's lugging around dead weight." He shouts after me.

I clench my fist and turn around slowly.

"You need to shut your fucking mouth." I grumble with a glare thrown at him.

"Afraid to hear the truth, Finn?" He asks with a smirk. "Bayley left, because she wanted out of your relationship. Plain and simple."

That's it.

I'm killing this motherfucker.

I pull my arm back and hit him with one solid punch square on his nose. There's a satisfying crunch and blood bursting out.

"For fucks sake, Finn!" AJ yells and not so gently, forces me out of the gym, leaving a bloodied Dolph on the floor. Someone rushes towards him, but AJ makes sure that I get the hell out of here.

"You can't punch him every time he takes a jab at you. Believe me, he'll try again, but you need to resist it." He scolds me.

"Come on, AJ. What would you do if someone talked shit about Lex all the time?" I ask him straight.

"What are you talking about?" He asks with a guilty expression.

"Come on, AJ. I may be heartbroken, but I still have eyes. Don't think that I didn't see your secretive hug in the coffee shop or how you buy her, her favourite latte before her matches or even how you guys hang out without us. You are like a love sick puppy." I sum up everything I noticed.

"You're supposed to be occupied, not making notes about my life." He mutters sounding shocked.

"What can I say? I'm observant." I shrug.


Once AJ and I got home, I instantly took a shower. I also bandaged my hand, since Dolph's ugly face, bruised my knuckles a bit since it was a hard punch.

AJ went out to "get some fresh air" , but I think that he's secretly visiting Alexa or calling her. Either way, it has something to do with her.

As I walk into the kitchen, I see that my phone is fully charged. I haven't checked my phone the entire day. As I unlock it, I see a few texts, social media notifications and a voice message.

From Bayley.

My eyes widen. She already sent it last night.

"Why the fuck didn't I look at my texts this morning!" I shout angrily. I press play.

"Hey Finn. I'm sorry for not picking up... I just needed time. I'll explain everything when I get home... But just know that you didn't do anything wrong. You could never do anything wrong. You are perfect." Bayley says with a heartbreakingly sad voice. She takes a deep breath when a sob escapes her.

"I love you Finn. Remember that." She whispers softly, ending the message.

Hearing Bayley cry over the phone is one of the saddest things ever. It literally breaks my heart, hearing her upset.

I call her back, expecting her not to pick up.


"Bayley?" I ask, as if she can disappear soon.

"Finn..." Bayley says, sounding breathless.

There's so much to say to her, but right now, I can't think of anything. Just hearing her voice, her uneven, yet steady breathing and having her virtually close to me is good enough.

"I miss you." I say, three words, summing up basically everything.

"I miss you too." She says in that heavenly soft voice of hers.

"Come back to me, love." I say, trying to find the words.

"I'll be back soon. I promise." Bayley says, with a small sigh.

"I love you, Bayley." I say sincerely.

"I know and I love you too Finn, but -" She starts, but I stop her.

"That's enough for now. As long as you still love me." I say stopping her before she spoils the moment.

"How could I not love you anymore? But sometimes love isn't enough." She answers.

"It will always be enough Bayley. As long as we are both willing to fight for it." I reply.

"Finn... It is not that simple." She says.

"Yes it is. I will fight for you until my last breath. I will never ever give up on you Bayley. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever." I say determined.

"You are so stubborn." She says and laugh, which is like music to my ears.

"For you, always." I say with a laughter of my own.

"Goodnight Finn. Sleep tight." She says and I can basically hear the smile in her voice.

"Goodnight my Angel. I love you."


Finally things seem to brighten up for our favourite couple.
But they're not out of the deep waters yet....

Much love Sasha-Lee❤️❤️❤️

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