one: Babysitting

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"Look, I didn't know that you need to give the babies warm milk!" I say into the phone and give the baby warm milk.

"It is snowing outside and you want to give a small baby cold milk to drink?" Bayley asks exasperated.

"Milk is milk, right?" I shrug and feed the baby some milk.

"It has to be warm or else her little head will get brain freeze." She says and I hear her walking.

"Are you on your way?" I ask, while feeding her.

"Yeah, I will be there in a few." She says and hangs up.

I stare at the little girl in my arms. She stares at me with big brown eyes. Her little black hair is already growing and she looks absolutely adorable.

Little Sienna Rollins.

When Seth asked me to babysit, at first I hesitated, but he had no one else to do it at such short notice, so I had to help.

I did help deliver the twins after all.

She starts falling asleep in my arms and I stare lovingly at her. She's so beautiful. One day, I want to have my own kids with Bayley.


The girl who I love. My fiancé. Our wedding is in four months in May. We decided on a perfect spring wedding.

I walk over to the crib and set Sienna down in it. I put the blanket over her and walk out.

But just when I am out of their room, Shawn, her brother, starts crying.

Then Sienna also starts crying.

I curse loudly and walk back in. I pick Shawn up and try to calm him. He keeps on crying and I put a pacifier in his mouth, but he spits it out.

Sienna is still crying and I walk over to her crib, with Shawn still in my arms, and try to calm her.

"Come on, buddies. Cut me some slack." I groan, but they cry even further.

"You weren't even alone for three hours and they are already screaming."

I turn and see Bayley walking in and shaking her head. I sigh in relief as she picks Sienna up. She immediately calms down, but Shawn is still crying.

"Two hours is enough for me. They were silent for a few minutes." I mutter and she puts Sienna back and takes Shawn from me.

She feeds him his bottle and after a while he falls asleep. I stood there watching Bayley this entire time.

She looks amazing with the babies.

"You're a natural." I whisper once we are out of the room.

"I know. Babies love me." She says and flicks her hair over her shoulder.

I roll my eyes and pull her close by the waist. She laughs as she collides with my chest. I grin down at her and lightly kiss her.

"I love you even more than any baby in the world." I whisper and she chuckles.

"Of course you do and I love you more." She laughs and pulls away from me.

"So, what's the dinner plans?" I ask as we sit down the couch.

"How about Chinese?" She asks and leans into my arms on the couch.

"Done." I say and order some Chinese takeouts online.

"Did you review the wedding receptions?" I ask after we are done ordering.

"Uh, no, I totally forgot about it. I'll look at it later." She says and waves me off.

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