Happy and home.

Of course it wouldn't last.

"So..." Pansy started as soon as we had sat down to eat, "Where were you both?" she looked between Draco and me for emphasis and I felt my mouth go dry at the enunciation.

"We got in late." Draco said, a large warm hand clasping around my thigh, "The corridors were too rushed for us to look for you people so we decided to sleep the journey off in an empty compartment."

Silence greeted his statement, and I sighed, "Will it be more believable if I said I braided his hair while he slept and he had a meltdown near Hogsmeade?"


"Yes." Zabini said resolutely and threw in a cheeky grin in my direction, so I reached behind Draco to undo the last braid that was hiding behind his full mop of his now artistically undone hair-nest.


It was much later, when our giggles had dissolved, our stomachs were full and all our heads were heavy with sleep that we stumbled into our respective dormitories, Daphne falling into bed with me, her way of saying she missed me too much.

Remember when I said that the peace wouldn't last?

"So what's this about you and Draco sharing same breathing space without killing each other?" Pansy asked as she settled into bed, looking at me with a smarmy grin.

The peace lasted an entire meal, which if I think back was a lot more time than I thought it would.

"Nothing?" I ventured, shifting Daph a bit to get some space, "We were just tired and slept most of it off."

"Tired from what?" Pansy scoffed, "Winter break?"

I sighed, lying down and shutting my eyes, hoping Pansy gets the message and shuts up.

But who am I to come between Pansy and gossip, right?

"Nothing, Parkinson." I huffed, staring up at my green ceiling for answers, "It was just two people sharing a compartment."

"Yes, but you don't share a compartment with people you hate, Care." Pansy pointed out, leaning up from her bed and adding even Millicent to this conversation. "Especially if the two people are Draco and you."

"And why in the world are you so interested?" Daphne cut in before I could say anther word, "Don't tell me you still have feelings for Draco, I thought that crashed and burned the minute his lips burned yours?"

A fluffed pillow hit Daphne's smirking face, "First of all, ew." Pansy listed, looking at us with stolidity, "Second of all I do have a boyfriend and he is not Draco Malfoy-"


"It's true and new." Pansy answered, trying to look nonchalant as she examined her nails, "However right now I'm not at liberty to name who-"


"Not tonight." Pansy snapped, glaring at me, "We still need to talk about it and I would appreciate it if you guys stayed out of it for a few days."

"Pans." Daphne said, an incredulous grin on her lips, "You can't possibly think that we would ever stay out of it."

The raven haired girl's eyes turned to charcoal at the admission, so I relented, flicking Daphne on the forehead, "Well." I said, "If Pansy wants us to stay out of her business for a few days, we can certainly do that." I amended, earning an approving glance from her, "However, I'm willing to bet Zabini will be a bit more forthcoming with the details-"

All My Stars | Draco Malfoy.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant