❣ Chapter 40 regained ❣

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*The next morning*

It was early in the morning, the sunrise was just beginning and it shone through Tenn's window into his face. Tenn woken up with the warm ray but even more warmer at the torso, he slowly opened his eyes and his first sight was seeing Riku still sleeping. Riku eyes were slightly swelled up from the crying he did all night until he fell asleep. Tenn smiled warmly and hugging him tighter going back to sleep again. A while later He heard a knock on his door and instantly woke up and saw Ryuu slowly opening the door.

"Ohayou Tenn, breakfast is ready. I already woke Gaku up and I thought that you might want to stay in for a bit since you had being working hard in the idol industry and looking after Riku-kun plus you sometimes even make breakfast and clean the room so I thought if I woke up early maybe I could make breakfast and do everything"

"Arigatou Ryuu. I just need five minutes so I can wake up Riku and get change and after we will go to the dining room"

"Alright then" Ryuu shut the door and went off hearing his footsteps fading away. Tenn looked at Riku who was still sleeping soundly and gently nudged him to wake up

"Riku you need to wake up now" Tenn poking his cheeks now. Riku opened his eyes and sat up rubbing his eyes to see more clearer.

"You shouldn't rub your eyes, the swelling is already gone down and if you rub anymore it'll probably get worse" Tenn scolded as he grabbed Riku's hand and then let go placing them down onto the bed.


"It's fine, now let's get change before Ryuu might get worried"

Tenn and Riku got changed and went to the dining room where Ryuu and Gaku was waiting for them to eat and so the normal morning to school begins...

*IDOLiSH7 classroom*

By the time they went to school Trigger treated to swelling on Riku's and the swelling is gotten smaller and hardly see it, the members of IDOLiSH7 kept a close eye out if there is any other hints or clues that might tell them the story of what happened to him but unfortunately they didn't found anything within the school period. It was Sogo and Tamaki turn to try and talk to him but they couldn't find Riku in the classroom and thought he might be up the roof with Trigger which they didn't wanted to go if his overprotective brother was there and all their seniors.

*End of school*

"Alright class it is end of school I hope to see everyone tomorrow" announced Mrs Susuki

"Hai!" replied all the students as they bowed and the teacher went. Riku was packing all of his textbook and was about to leave but a hand quickly grabbed his right wrist and pulled him.

"I want to have a talk with you Nanase Riku" Takayuki muttered as he and Riku left the classroom. Iori saw this happening and was instantly suspicious.

"Minna, I'm just going to go somewhere so you guys go ahead without me" mentioned Iori

"Oh, Why? where are you going" asked Nagi

"Just somewhere, I need to talk with someone" lied Iori as he averted his eyes to something else

"Hum, Alright then but Ichi if anything is wrong contact us immediately" replied Yamato

"Hai" Iori then quickly left and went to follow Takayuki and Riku.

*At the rooftop*

Takayuki ended up dragging Riku to the rooftop but Riku didn't stopped since he didn't know what to do and that Tenn never told him to do anything. He was still grabbing Riku's wrist but twisted it so much it making Riku making fall onto the ground whiles gripping onto his right wrist, Takayuki then stepped on Riku's right kneecap squishing making it harder for Riku to stand yet Riku is not screaming. Riku looked up and see Takayuki seeing him pissed.

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