💔 chapter 6 Broken💔

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"Hai!" Riku then rushed over to where Iori was and carried on walking alongside him.

Both now heading to Riku's house.


They both carried on walking and walking past all the sakura trees with its petals falling down gently onto the ground.

"Wow they are still pretty right Iori" chirped Riku whiles spinning and dancing around.

"Yea they sure are....." agreed Iori "He is so cute~" thought Iori

"This place was the first time we met even if it was by accident I have no regrets on bumping into you I knew that sakura petal was lucky" smiled Riku

"Yea...I meant to follow Takayuki to reason with him but I guess I bumped into youinstead, let's just hope your parents can let you come and be with I7" hoped Iori.

"I'm pretty sure they will let me....." mumbled Riku. "I know they won't I could've lied about it to my parents but since Iori will be coming I can't. Can Iori convince my parents or will I be moving school if they find this school is threatening for me" thought Riku

A few minutes went past and they find themselves near the Nanase's house. There was no light except for the living room and the kitchen.

"Huh. I wonder what are they doing in the kitchen?" wondered Riku

"Are you ready Riku. We need to tell them and I promise you that I will convince them. I know you was worried because of your facial expression." mentioned Iori

"Iori......" mumbled Riku. Riku then came closer and hugged Iori. "Thank you.....you was the first friend I ever had in my whole life......I'm grateful" added Riku. Iori was then confused about he was so sweet and kind that he was the first friend he had. Iori then ruffled Riku's red hair.

"Let's go Riku" declared Iori.

"Hai" agreed Riku.

They both came closer and Riku then use his keys to unlock the door. *Creak* The hallway was dark and straight on was the light in the kitchen and on the left was the living room which still had the light on and on the right was the stairs.

"Huh it's quite dark I wonder what are they doing" thought Riku. They both started to walk and looked to the left in the living room, when they looked they found something horrific. Riku's dad had been stabbed in the heart and the knife is still in there with the blood dripping down the sofa that he was laying on, it looked like he was trying to defend himself because there was a hammer right beside his arm that is drooped over the couch.

"N-no...t-tou-san...your still...a-alive.....right?" stuttered Riku. Riku and Iori both looked shock, frozen seeing something  that isn't the usual thing. They then heard a scream coming from the kitchen. "No!" screamed a women. Riku and Iori instantly ran to see what is going on.

When they went in they saw a man wearing a black hoodie and everything else black holding a gun pointing at a women who is Riku's mother.

"NO! PLEASE STOP!" screamed the mother. "Please.... At least let me see my son one more time"

"Ha you can die, I need money bitch" shouted the man and shot the mother. The mother's final scene was seeing Riku's shocking face and a friend to the side of him. "Please be safe.......Riku...." muttered the mother with her final breath and her body then made a thud on the cold-ground.

"NO! KAA-SAN!" Riku screamed as he knelt down crying shutting his eyes not wanting to see the horrific scene.

Iori knelt down as well and tried to calm down Riku who was still crying uncontrollably, "Nanase-san...please calm down." The man looked at them and pointed the gun ready to aim at Iori's leg. Iori predicted his movement and blocked the bullet with a potted-plant on his left side.

"Dam Brat. If they already seen what happened just now I might as well kill them to!" The man shouted. Iori quickly grabbed the medium sized pot and the man shot again but hitting the middle of the plotted plant. Iori then swiftly throw the plant pot at the man knocking him out, it was made out of Clay and it was hard enough to knock him out for a few hours or so.

"phew.....Nanase-san are you okay" asked Iori. When he turned to his side he saw Riku laying on the floor, no injury but unconscious. He thought it gone slightly quiet.

"Nanase-san!" shouted Iori whiles running towards his body. Iori quickly got his right arm to support Riku's body and the left unbuttoning his blazer and shirt to check if his heartbeat was stable. *B-dmp*........*B-dmp*.

"Thank god it's stabled. I guess he would faint after seeing his mother killed right in front of him..." muttered Iori. "I need to hurry and call the police and ambulance." thought Iori and then grabbed his phone and called.

"Ok they should be coming now, I told them what happened and what I've witness" thought Iori whiles holding Riku's body. Iori then looked at him and touching his forehead with his. "I'm sorry Nanase-san. If only we was here earlier we could've stopped them or I could've I'm sorry that you even have to witness that" muttered Iori. He looked around the kitchen seeing the normal things in a kitchen except for the thing that just happened but he spotted one thing that was unique. A cake. Iori slowly and gently put Riku softly on the ground with his blazer over him and walked over to the cake stepping over the unconscious criminal. Iori then muttered "How dare you making Nanase-san life in pain now" and carried on walking, it was fruit cake with different colourful fruit the fruits was lined up with blackberry, green grapes oranges chunk but without the skin, blueberry, purple grapes, pineapple and in the middle was a strawberry, Iori then notice something and made him have a tears down his cheeks. It was a chocolate sign saying:

'Congratulations on your first day of school. Riku'

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