+ nine

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minji grew weaker and weaker as time passed.

her immune system got worse and worse as she kept falling ill.

nobody took notice.

not even the couple who used to be her best friends,

heeyeon, and taeyong.

she was absent from school for days, even weeks.

the teachers never said anything as they never really took notice of her.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

it had been a week since minji last went to school.

her frail body shivered with cold as she struggled to get out of bed.

crawling to the washroom, she threw up.

yet again.

the petals overflowed out of the toilet bowl.

minji's sobs became more and more uncontrollable.

she suddenly gathered the strength to stand up and grab the razor

lying there, on the bathroom sink.

she couldn't do it.

sighing, she went back to her bed, and curled up under her blankets.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

her mother kept telling her to get the surgery,

since she didn't want to lose her daughter,

like how she almost lost her friend.

she regretted stealing minji's dad away from her friend.

but she had no choice.

love doesn't look with the eyes, but with the heart.

love is blind, therefore cupid is also portrayed as blind.

a person can do anything for love.

even if it means putting lives at risk.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

minji dreamt that the rose inside of her had finally burst into full bloom.

the agony was unbearable.

tears streamed down her face.

she didn't know if she could endure the pain any longer.

now, she thought, she really needed to get the surgery.

either that,

or to see taeyong one last time before she dies.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

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