+ seven

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the school bell rang, signalling the end of lessons, and the start of lunch.

while stuffing my books into my bag and walking out of class, my mind reeled with thoughts. should i really have the surgery? but... that would mean giving up my feelings for taeyong.

suddenly, that same nauseous feeling sparked in my chest and i sprinted to the toilet at the speed of lightning, praying that there was no one inside. i pushed open the cubicle door and bent over the toilet, coughing up rose petals.


this was probably the fifth time today, and i had to endure the snickers and whispers about me as i ran in and out of class repeatedly.

as i tried to calm down from the sudden "petal attack", i heard the toilet door crash open and someone slammed the next cubicle open. i froze, hearing the sound of someone vomiting.

slowly, i walked over to the occupied cubicle and knocked gently on the door. "excuse me? are you okay? "

the door opened and all the blood drained out of my face. because,

heeyeon was standing in front of me.

she glared at me, eyes burning with hate. "i don't need your pity," she snapped.

then she grabbed her bag and stomped out of the room, but not before turning around and smirking at me.

"what if i said i was pregnant with your best friend's baby? " she sneered.

"what? "

she crossed her hands over her chest and raised an eyebrow at me. "this is your retribution, park minji, for stealing jaehyun away from me. i'll make sure you'll live in hell."

she jabbed a finger into my chest and laughed bitterly, "taeyong is mine and no one else's."

with that, she turned on her heel and walked off, her fists clenched angrily.

jaehyun? what on earth was she talking about?

then suddenly everything clicked, and i gave a gasp in realization.

jaehyun... he was the school's most popular kid, and heeyeon was literally obsessed with him. jaehyun oppa, was all she said everyday.

then, suddenly, jaehyun asked me out a year ago for semi instead of heeyeon and she was hopping mad. jaehyun confessed his feelings to me but i rejected him, and soon after, he left school because his father had switched jobs and moved to america.

and heeyeon, who was my best friend a year ago, thought i was the cause of jaehyun leaving school and mainly, because she thought i was a backstabbing bitch who stole away her "future boyfriend".

heeyeon must have stolen taeyong away from me, because she thought i had stolen jaehyun away from her.

i stood there, dazed.

then something snapped in me and i ran out of the toilet.

"heeyeon, wait!"

but she was long gone.

i collapsed on the floor, sniffling.

what am i to do if heeyeon is pregnant?

no wonder taeyong seems to follow her every move.

it finally dawned on me. all my hope shattered into the ground.

he'll never, ever, love me back.

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