Chapter 54 - Delivering The Bad News

Start from the beginning

"We acted quickly in this case to ensure the protection and control of the pressure dynamics of the brain. As high pressure caused by brain swelling can starve some areas of the brain of oxygen, swollen brain tissue can also be injured by pushing against the inside of the skull, which is why the induced coma was the best method to take.

Now we have the best Neuro-team on staff which includes: Registered nurses, Respiratory therapists, dieticians, physiotherapists, pharmacists, social workers, EEG - And radiology technicians and of course myself and my team will be seeing to your son, so you have noth-" the doctor was still talking when Dante for the first time spoke up.

"And what is that you do here doctor?" Dante asks and the doctor smiles at him.

"I am a neurologist and neurosurgeon so I'll be doing Mr Romano's consultation as your father has requested me to handle Mr Romano's case" the doctor answers and Dante's head snap my way and I just nod at him as I made quite a few call yesterday after speaking to the doctor at University of Miami Hospital.

"How long will it take to know the full extent of his injuries?" I asked knowing that they can't possibly know now what exactly are all his injuries as his in a coma.

"When he arrived at University of Miami Hospital's emergency room, his injuries were assessed. The original damage to the brain is called the primary brain injury but when he had arrived here, I assessed his injuries and found that he has Secondary brain damage, which was developed by the swelling. These complications can be much harder to predict and visualize, even with a CT scan, because of this, we cannot predict how long it will take to know." The doctor answers and I kind of predicted something along those lines.

"Doctor is it normal for him to have swelling on his brain?" I ask as I want to know as much as I can about my son's case.

"After any injury or fall, it is normal for the injured tissue to swell as extra fluid, nutrients and immune cells rush to help in healing. With an injured brain, this often happens gradually and can take up to 7 days to see the full extent. This can be especially challenging since there is a limited amount of space within the skull. This can cause an increase in pressure in the brain, which may influence brain circulation and oxygenation." The Doctor says and I just nod as I have one final question which I have been trying to avoid.

"Lastly Doctor what are his chances?" I ask and the Doctor averts his eyes and I knew it wasn't good.

"When put in an induced coma, it's normally for patients with brain injuries much like Mr Romano, and once we see his swelling has gone down and that it looks normal, we reverse the coma by removing the drug... In some cases the patient would come right out of it BUT in most cases where brain injuries are severe much like your son's, there is a chance that he'll slip right back into a coma or won't wake at all" the doctor explains but I do not feel satisfied as I didn't get the answer I needed or wanted to hear.

"Doctor, your not answer my damn question! Will he or won't he DIE?!" I almost yell as he was clearly trying to avoid my question. "And don't bullshit me DOC! Give it to me straight." I say through clenched teeth.

"Yes, he is in a critical condition at the moment and only time will tell if he even has a chance of survival, so yes there is a big chance your son either won't be making it or won't come out of the coma at all and we'll only be able to tell you his chances maybe in the next 7-14 days." The doctor says and Dante stands up and leaves the room followed by Gio and I was frozen in my spot as I was hoping for good news but his still alive which is good enough for me as I know he'll fight, his strong like that, always have been since he was a child and I believe my son will makeke it through this.

"Thank you doctor, and when can we see him?" I finally ask while standing up to check on my other son.

"I'll let you know as soon as his moved to the intensive care unit (ICU)" the doctor says and I nod my head and walked out, knowing that the hardest part must still be done, which is letting my son's wife know.

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