Once he was behind them, Luke looked at Han and gave a strong nod. The Solo looked at the three officers whose backs were facing him at the moment.

"Hey, Fellas!" He yelled.

Surprised and caught off guard, the officers turned quickly around. Without hesitation Han blasted them away. He got two and was ready to take out the last officer.

Luke could feel panic and distress coming from the last Imperial. He didn't feel as much of a threat coming from him. Immediately the Jedi warned Han in the quickest way possible.

'Han don't!' The jedi spoke in his mind. His friend's both, shocked and confused eyes met his own. Luke looked at Han and nodded, letting him know he knew what he was doing.

Han hesitantly stepped back a bit and halted his firing. Both of the men held their weapons at the ready. The officer looked stunned. He gazed down at the floor to observe his fellow comrades in arms, who were dead.

He then looked back up from Han to Luke. There was no where to go. He knew if he tried to take on both of them he would most likely die. Luke could feel the distress coming from the younger officer, who was now facing him. He seemed to be in late teens or early twenties.

The Jedi Master took a cautious step forward, deactivating his lightsaber, but keeping it in his hand just incase. "Are we done here?" He asked seriously. Looking at his rank he saw that the kid was a lieutenant. He could feel the boys conflict. He had two choices. Surrender into the hands of the sworn enemy, turning his back on everything he had fought for or continue fighting and die courageously as his fellow Imperials did. Luke shook his head.

Knowing what the kid was thinking, he spoke. "If you do this. . . you will die. You know that. . .and it won't change anything that is going to happen. Surrendering now would not be cowardice. It would be wise."

The young man was listening, but still seemed hesitant. His blaster was pointed at Luke.

The Jedi held up his left hand, trying to get through to the boy. "You've fought bravely. You never gave up, but it's time to end this. For you to end this. Fighting just to die would be foolish and gain nothing. It would only add one more un-needed death to the list."

The boy held eye contact with Luke.
"Please, Lieutenant."

Finally, dropping his blaster to the floor the officer put his hands up in surrender. Han walked up to him and held the officers hands behind his back.

"By the authority of the New Republic I declare you captured."

Hooking his lightsaber back on his belt and walking to over them, Luke nodded respectfully at the youth. "Good man."
He looked at Han. "You want me to take him?"

"No. I'll do it. You make sure the governor made it up stairs okay."

Nodding, he ran up the sandstone stairs. After going up three flights, Luke found Lando, Chewie, Lansen and Artoo.

"Lando! Chewie!" He shouted jogging down the corridor to meet them.

"Luke!" Lando greeted, while Luke patted his back.

Luke's loyal droid beeped loudly. He smiled briefly at the droid then looked back at Lando.

"Hey, it's over. That was the last of them."

Lando smiled and put away his blaster. "Great! Now let's get Lansen to his new office."

The four of them finally found the office. Standing outside the door Lando motioned for Luke to check the room. Staring at the automated door, Luke searched the room for any signs of danger. There were none.

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora