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I was busy, insanely busy. There wasn't a day that I didn't have a game or extensive practice within these last few weeks and I couldn't find the time for anything else. I was going home at about eleven every night and I would end up sleeping through my prep-period. I was exhausted and, as fun as the season was going with our winning streak and impressive dynamic, I was stressed.

I felt like everything was weighing on me because I had so much to think about. Before I knew it, we were coming up to the final qualifying game for states. Kevin and I stayed up making game plans, perfecting plays and positioning, we even pulled a few all-nighters going over the books from the last few games that were a bit too close for comfort. We wanted to win and we always did. However, this was the price to pay for championships and it all paid off in the end when we got our rings.

I think the worst part about all of this, though, was the fact that I haven't seen Kellin during all of it, even after our weekend together. He's been calling a bit, but I've been missing almost all of them. I haven't seen him in the school before anything, either, because I've been sleeping or on the bus to a game. (They've all been away which is a huge pain in the ass). I just feel like I've been neglecting him, but I hope he doesn't feel that way. I just have other responsibilities, is all.

Even now, Kevin and I were talking about how the game was going to go as we stood in the gym. I didn't even know where Kellin was. The cheerleaders were here, but I didn't see Kellin. It was our first home game in a month and we were all thankful for it. We don't play a lot of schools that are close to us, so if it meant we didn't have to travel an hour both ways, we were on board.

"I don't know..." I pondered after Kevin's notion of switching our point-guards out. We had been talking for quite a while now as we watched them warm up. "I think Dan is doing a great job already. I don't want to risk the first half by screwing up the dynamic. He has a connection with everyone else on the court, it's not just him,"

"I know, but we have to build Matthew up," Kevin pointed out. He was right, but we didn't change anything. It was a conversation brought up about an idea and it took about twenty minutes to solve. Now, the game was beginning. We met in the middle with the other coach and refs, shook hands, and went about the first half.

I didn't feel the same energy that I usually do going into this game. I had mixed feelings. I felt stressed, but, at the same time, I felt worried and content. I knew my team would do well, it was inevitable, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I watched as the other team passed quickly around our players and took shots despite our efforts. Not many went in, but I wasn't happy that they were getting the opportunity.

"Let's go! Close the gap or reassess! Don't lose them!" I yelled out to the court. They all responded with their actions as more effort was put in. Faster runs, more time touching the ball, and more shots were taken allowing us to have an eight-point lead come halftime. It was refreshing to see them adapt so quickly. The raw talent on this team was like soft butter for me. I was able to use it to my advantage and it felt so good. But, that left me wanting more and everyone knew that. Hell, Kevin even knew it.

As we huddled in and everyone drank their water, I stood in the middle of the circle and spoke.

"You guys are doing well out there, but I need you to be doing great. Passes need to be direct. I don't want any interference by anyone else. Communicate. I'm hearing nothing out there, alright? What do we say? The louder it is, the least confusing. Let's get out there and finish this game with another win." I put my fist in the air and counted to three. Together, we yelled 'family' and I stood next to Kevin, waiting for halftime to be over.

"You okay?" Kevin asked me. I nodded with a sigh. "You seem intense," I shrugged. Everything was good, I just wanted it to be better.

We watched as the cheerleaders did their routine. It was almost over so I scanned the gym for Kellin. I wanted to see him, I hadn't seen him in a week or so, after all. When my eyes fell on him, he was intensely looking at his cheer team. A mixed look of pleasure and hurt was plastered on his face and I could tell his eyes held a dull sparkle to them.

Again (boyxboy) (s.a sequel)Where stories live. Discover now