"You want to keep me safe, but you also want to prepare me." She said softly. "You hate sounding like grandpa but it's the only way you know how to keep me safe."

"Damn straight." Dean agreed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Listen Kota, you're not going to like this but we need to talk about it sometime." He said slowly, Sam's head raised at the words, knowing where it's heading.

"No, we don't." She retorted hotly, her anger flaring up at the hint towards the deal. They've all but changed the subject from the inevitable goodbye speech.

"Yes, we do." He said, grabbing her arm when she tried to walk away from him. "I made a stupid deal, I know that, but that doesn't change what's going to happen. When I'm go-"

"No." She said shoving his shoulders back slightly. He sighed and looked down.

"When I'm gone you need to still follow these rules with Sammy, okay?" He asked, Dakota didn't answer, her eyes were somewhere else. "Okay?" Dean repeated with the tone of voice that Dakota hated hearing, his dad voice.

"Okay." She snapped, crossing her arms and turning on her heel. She stalked off toward the house with Sam on her heels. Dean straightened and followed after his family.

Dakota waited for Dean and Sam to enter the house before following after them quietly. Before she could say anything to her dad, he shouted and raised his gun.

"Freeze! Police officers." He warned, Sam followed his lead and Dakota darted to the side to hide. She crouched behind the wall and watched her dad and Sam slowly approach the innocent people in the house. They screamed in fear when they heard Dean's voice. She pushed herself forward slightly but couldn't understand what was happening. Sam and Dean were talking at the same time and over the whimpered sounds coming from the scared men they had cornered. "Let's see some ID." She heard Dean shout. "Care to explain the weirdo outfit, Mr....Corbett?"

"Woah...I know you." The other male said in realization, Dakota froze, she's never had to deal with being recognized before, Dean never told her what to do if that happened, mainly because he didn't think it ever would. Her breathing picked up slightly in preparation. She noticed her dad tense up.

"Yeah, sure you do. Give me some identification." Dean ordered in response.

"Woah, hold on a second." The man said when Dean reached for his ID. "I know the both of you guys, yeah." He said, holding the flashlight up to see their faces. Sam flinched back when the light was shone in his eyes.

"Holy shit." Sam swore drawing Dean's attention to him.

"What?" Dean turned, Dakota peaked out slightly, releasing the tight grip her jacket.

"Uh, West Texas...the-the tulpa we had to take out, those two goofballs who almost got us killed." Sam said, his tone growing irritated. "The Hellhounds or something?" He questioned.

"Fuck me." Dean sighed. Dakota's eyes grew in recognition but she stayed put, she remembered her dad and Sam talking about them.

"Yeah, we're not hellhounds anymore. It didn't test that well." Ed answered.

"Ed, what's going on?" Corbett asked.

"They're not cops, buddy." Ed smirked. "No, not at all."

"Ed, Ed, you had a partner too, didn't you?." Dean cut him off, Dakota could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "A different guy? Is he around here somewhere?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah." Ed answered nodding, his eyes looking around for something. "Wait, you two had a kid last time. A little girl? Right?"

Dean glared at Ed before nodding. "Hey, Kota, it's alright you can come out." He called over his shoulder.

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