Chapter 1

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"Trust me Lee Lee... California will be a lot better than this ol boring town, what do we have to lose?! Mom and dad are gone!" Maliyah's twin Kaliyah begged.

The two twins were just mourning the loss of their foster parents the Phillips, who had passed 3 weeks ago in a tragic fire when their foster mother Paula was drugged up on sleeping pills and left the dinner cooking, and burned the house down with the two girls out with their foster father Bruce having a father daughter's day. The three of them arrived home to the house engulfed in flames, and Bruce went to find his wife inside, a few minutes later... the stove exploded, and the two of them died.

The twins loved the Phillips after living with them since they were 3 the two were the parents they never had, even though they were a Caucasian couple, they even treated the twins older brother Damien as their own, even though he had his own set of foster parents who were needless to say... weren't as friendly and loving. Being that the three of their biological parents were a prostitute and a dope dealer.

After the funeral, the Phillips biological daughter Beth had inherited everything, even though the Phillips had told the twin girls if anything had happened to them, they wouldn't have anything to worry about when it came to expenses, turns out it was either a lie or the bitch fucked the attorney then had everything switched in her name. The girls were pretty sure it was the latter considering the Phillips disowned their daughter when she dropped out of Georgia State and became a heroin addict.

What really and truly made them disown their daughter? Was when she was home one Christmas break, and convinced a naïve 9 year old Kaliyah to do drugs. They caught Beth with her dope feigning friends laughing at the little overdosed black girl and the older boys were touching on the young girl provocatively.

Now that everything with their foster parents were over, the state placed them in a group home, but considering they grew up with their parents mostly all their lives, Kaliyah wanted to get the hell out of dodge, and forget all about the bullshit they had to endure for their lives.

From being discriminated against being in a predominately all white middle school And their freshman year of high school, trying to befriend some of them falling for some of those boys, and Kaliyah being used by one of those boys taking her virginity and getting knocked up and talked about, and only to have the baby aborted illegally, but Maliyah was always right by her side. The only one who was damn near white washed was Maliyah, the shy, holier-than-thou personality, the only time she was ever to be out spoken was when she was around her twin, the only person to keep her out of her shell.

Now that they were piss broke, 15 barely starting sophomore year in high school, and their older brother who had aged out of the foster care system 3 years ago, only to end up slinging dime bags around the way. Kaliyah and Damien were ready to leave Georgia, and find something better out in the world. The only one who wasn't on board with the road trip was Maliyah.

"I don't know..." She said hesitant, as she sat on the front step of their group home, her face filled with uncertainty.

"Mailyah. If you don't come. We're going without you. I won't be here to keep these raggedy ass dusties offa you." Kaliyah said as she hit her left fist into her right hand with each syllable.

Maliyah stares at her sister in thought. She glanced back at the front door of the home. She but her lip indecisive about the ultimatum her sister gave her.

Kaliyah sighed and slouched a little as she sat next to her twin sister. She gave her a half smile. She pushed some of her curly hair behind her ear like their foster mother used to do. "Lee Lee, I know you're not like me. You're the only thing D and I have left that's good in this world, yo. You level headed. Well, when you not under pressure and shit." She scoffed a laugh.

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