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"johnny, when the fuck are you gonna propose to that man?" taeyong asked, sitting on the edge of johnny's bed, "you are clearly so in love with him, and he is even more in love with you."

"well yeah, i know that. but its just a bit complicated," johnny explained, "he is from thailand so it would be hard for his family to come, and also what about his career? he's a dancer and his company is based in thailand."

"you could move to thailand?" taeyong smirked at johnny who looked perplexed.

"but what about my family? and you and jaehyun?" johnny pouted.

"good point..." taeyong said, and the two boys sat for a while, planning a special something.


"ten, you're moving back to thailand next monday, right?" johnny asked, spooning in bed with his boyfriend at 2am . their bodies were colliding in their comfy pyjamas and johnny's white silk sheets.

ten nodded, yawning loudly, "five days".

johnny whined sadly, holding ten closer. "why do you have to leave?~"

"because i live in thailand, idiot" ten teased, turning round to face johnny.

"move to chicago then" johnny smiled, placing his lips on ten's forehead and just keeping them there. ten blushed lightly and closed his eyes.

"i cant move to chicago, johnny. my dance group is in thailand, and all my friends are there."  ten told him.

"i know plenty of dance places round here! you can move in with me and we will live happily ever after." johnny smiled, and ten sighed.

"i'll think about it. plus, it would take a long time."

"yeah, but ill help you." johnny offered, grabbing ten's love handles and pulling him up.

"we'll see" ten winked, kissing johnny before resting his head on his chest, "im tired, let me sleep."

"alright," johnny laughed, "goodnight baby"


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