Ipseity ~ Review

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Book: Ipseity 

Author: hcwilhelm

Reviewed By: TheBOOKdragon16

The title is short and related to the plot which is all a title needs to be. Well done, there.

The cover does reflect the plot but I think it needs a little more work.

The book summary is just wonderful. Not too long, not too short. It delivers the right amount of information about the story and places a really good amount of insight to the reader. It already hooks you in the atmosphere of the book.

The grammar is, in my opinion, substantive and line editing is done nice enough. I had no trouble in reading.

When it comes to the plot, I'm taken aback - like wow! Just wow. This book needs to be a freaking movie. The plot, the word usage, delivery, pacing, action, and everything else is on point. Great job! The way the author indulges her readers into this wonderful ambience with fantasy and action is just remarkable and I absolutely admire her for that.

Characterization and develop is done quite well. I think the characters are quite memorable and well constructed but may need a teeny bit of work.

When it came to the emotional impact of this story, I was at the edge of my seat from the first chapter. I could feel myself falling into the realm of this story and imagine how it unfolded around me. The characters scooped out various emotions from my heart and the language and the dialogues left me speechless.

The book has creativity pouring from it in all of its phrases and versions. Whether it's the title or the cover, or the plot and the characters. Everything seeps originality and creativity. It's hard to find such books on Wattpad. They are real gems. I would recommend everyone to give this book a read. It will leave you awestruck !

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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