Starfall ~ Review

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Book: Starfall

Author: EowynDoyle

Review By: crayon001

This story is a Sci-Fi story about universes and different dimensions including new and strange breeds if people . The story is mainly about a particular girl who doesn't know who she is and then ventured into a strange world where some people are named numbers instead of words, then she went on a search to know who she was and who five the person who had supposedly saved her and the only person who may be willing tell her the truth about her identity.

    The title of the book – Starfall – doesn't exactly go with  the book ,and does not really depict what the book is about, but I do appreciate the creativity of the title as it draws one to want to know what the book is about.

The cover is better if I may say so, its not exactly attractive, but it does show that the story has to do with other universes and since that's a particularly main part of the story I'd say it was perfect.

        The grammar doesn't really have much flaws, but then the writer seems to forget herself and sometimes strays from the character's POV to hers in the same chapter and even the same sentence. This got me confused at times .For example; chapter two. "They made our way through a corridor into a new room."

           The story's plot is pretty nice and well thought of, but then as this story include a lot of action, the writer wasn't really good at describing the action scenes and so therefore its kind of hard to picture those particular scenes in ones mind, and its very well known that good description helps a reader to understand a story.

           The story's characterization was well done, I'd read enough in the first two chapters to know that the main character is a fighter in life and doesn't easily give up, even though she wanted to give up, the inner her wouldn't allow for it and the other characters were easy to understand even from the very beginning and even though the were a lot of names, I caught on easily. Well done!!!

       There isn't much emotional impact which is understandable since the book is a Sci-Fi , but there is enough to know that there's enough serious imagination outside there so writers will have to buckle up.

   All in all it is a well written book, so I'd say Great Job!!!

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