April Fool's ~ Review

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Book: April Fool's

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Book: April Fool's

Author: lostgalaxyofdreams

Review By: Myst3ry007

Title is interesting, a very weird name used for a vampire book to say the least which causes it to catch your interest.This then makes you want to read the blurb, which is what it is supposed to do.

I don't get the cover. Its of a guy with black hair and you see his eyes. What does that have to do with the book?Add onto the fact the font of the name itself doesn't draw any attention either. Once again not enticing me to read on. As well as the cover lacks the authors name which it should have somewhere.

The blurb is interesting to read, and with the use of April fools it is too. I find that some answers though should be left out of the blurb, like the whole Vampires thing at the end.It will hold more suspense then, making the rest of the book seem more interesting and drawing someone to read it more.Even the little extract gives too much away. So maybe cut that out and rethink to better entice people to read this.

Grammar in this book is good apart from minor mistakes here and there with spelling of words, wrong use of punctuation and so on. I do find that the author uses the hyphen a lot to separate thoughts and such which isn't normal. Its kind of weird to see a random hyphen in between. Other than that good job.

The idea of this book is great. The idea being original to a certain point which is where the whole chosen thing comes in. But I find that the creativity ends at the idea, as the characters lack character. And the book lacks description.

I find the plot to be interesting though I also find that the prologue could do with a bit more. The prologue draws you in sort of but i feel it should say how many years back it was. And not start off in the middle of nowhere... I also feel like the plot is kind of lost within the build up as the author carries on about certain things that have happened. And only until they happen do things kind of get interesting but not so much so that I want to read on. 

The characters i don't really find to be interesting. They dull and mundane and they aren't even explained properly. Its a miracle I even know what these characters were dressed on because the author put pictures up. In other words what I'm trying to say is that the author doesn't describe anything. Instead they use the pictures as their way of describing. Add onto the fact that the characters don't either have much character added to them. There isn't much to it. I feel like the characters in this book are boring with no definitive character. 

I have gotten no emotional impact from this book. The characters don't really display much emotion add onto the fact that descriptions of things aren't really added in either makes for the book to be emotionless urging me to feel nothing.


The book started off great with the whole plot idea. The blurb drew you in and the prologue was interesting to say the least. But then you got to chapter one and it went downhill when the characters really didn't seem to have any character at all. The lack of description as well lead me to feel nothing at all for the book. I understand the need to show people what you mean when you kind of describe things. But the author describes it so little that you have to look at the picture to understand what is meant. When the author could with their descriptions make someone picture it. But doesn't do that because they find they can add pictures. I find this to be a poor stance that many people on Wattpad take so as to cut down on words. The whole point of a book is to describe things, to grasp people with your words and yet that isn't done here. The plot and blurb is interesting. But unfortunately the rest is not.

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