Midnight High ~ Review

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Title: Midnight High


Reviewed By: CazGeary

I really enjoyed this book and I'll definitely be following this writer and reading more. 

I thought the title and cover for the this book where perfect and would definitely make me pick up this book if I saw it in a bookshop. 

The summary was good and went into quote a lot of detail. I'm kind of on the fence as to whether or not it was too much detail but I've decided it was probably well done as it set the scene well for the story. 

The grammar definitely could be improved upon, but it didn't detract from the writing.

I was really impressed with the creativity in this story so its definitely getting a high score from me! The imagery was brilliant, you could really picture all the scenes, it really played out like a movie in mind.

I think the plot could do with a little more structure. It felt a little all over the place at times, a little chaotic and I think of the pacing were to be improved with a bit of editing you'd have a real gem here! 

The characters were great, characterization is definitely one of this author's strengths. The characters were likeable, believable and funny at times which I loved! My only criticism would be we were introduced to a large number of characters very quickly and it was hard to keep track of who was who. 

This book definitely made me feel a whole spectrum of emotions. Humour, anger , sadness it was all there. Great job Miko Tan! I really enjoyed your story and look forward to reading more from you.

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