
I sighed and ran my hand over my head as I helped Elena off the floor. I press one last kiss to her jaw before lifting my head and glancing down at her. Elena pressed her lips together, "Your folks are going to be home soon," she told me softly as she cupped my cheek. "It's probably time we get to the actual studying." She teased jokingly pressing a manicured hand to my chest and gently pushing me back as she sat on the couch.

I studied her expression for a minute taking in her flushed cheeks and the desire in her eyes. A minute later I inclined my head while rubbing the back of it and sending half a smile in her direction. "Okay," I bent down to my backpack to grab my notebook doing my best to push away the disappointment I was feeling.

Elena and I have been together for almost two years and the physical aspect of our relationship hadn't moved past the heavy petting stage. Honestly I felt like a dick because I know it's my fault. I'm a patient guy; I'd waited months for Elena to even notice me and for us to actually get to know each other as people, but the question was how patient is Elena? Most people would think Elena wasn't ready to sleep with me, but it's actually the complete opposite.

I could see how much she wanted me, how she would look when I wanted to stop and it was clear the effort it took on her end to do it. She always questions why I stop, or why I never want to do anything other than kissing, and I hate myself for never being able to answer her truthfully. Why was I so intent on not letting us take the next step in our relationship? It's complicated really, too hard to understand or explain. It's been damn near two years and I still can't figure out what it is that's keeping me from going all the way with my girlfriend who I love deeply.

"Did you finish that paper for English?" Elena asked rummaging through her book bag, quickly changing the subject.

My chest tightened at the smile she sent me because while I knew it was genuine it also didn't reach her eyes. She was upset even if she wouldn't admit it. I'd seen it happening more often lately when I pulled away from her and I hated that I was creating this huge chasm between us. But it was just the way things had to be for the moment. I pushed myself over so I was sitting closer to her and nodded. "Yeah, but I can help you with yours if you want, or just sit here and offer you some moral support." I told her with a grin.

Elena glanced over at me and grinned. "Mm and by support you mean you'll sit there and tell me I should have finished this when it was assigned instead of waiting last minute?" She asked as she slid a pencil behind her ear and stood, notebook in hand as she walked over to the computer desk.

I arched a brow at Elena."Well it's true; you shouldn't have waited until the last minute." I replied with a smile.

She shook her head as she plopped down in the desk chair and sent me a look, "I've had other things on my mind like dance tryouts coming up, homecoming right after that, and then my dad with this whole move, it's a lot Gray."

I rolled my eyes. "I've managed to get everything done even with basketball, mathletes, debate, and the yearbook committee."

"That's different Grayson. You can actually handle all those things at once. Your brain is weird like that." Elena let out a soft chuckle, turning around to me with a sly smile. "I'm not smart like you. I have to take on one thing at a time."

"Aw babe, you're smart enough. Stop doubting yourself." I walk over to her placing a quick kiss on her forehead. She smiles into my chest and I look down at her bushy ponytail, her familiar strawberry scented hair filling my nostrils.

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