Chapter Three : The Truth Comes Out *Added On*

Start from the beginning

I am not  too sure if he or she would forgive me.

"Ava!"  I had heard the voice of Father at a distance. My head had turned and my body froze looking at him. He was by the closest pillar with Carina by his side. The two had locked their eyes onto me and seemed like he was almost going to cry.

"Father," I breathe.

I knew that he didn't hear me . Corpman Dey had turned around to see the man as well. Father's lips had parted slowly going to speak something else to me but the officer had turned around and pushed me to keep on going.

But I didn't want to go, I wanted to say goodbye.

"Cant I.." I began.  I wanted to at least say something to my only living parent before I leave for three hundred and fifty years.

"We are already behind sehedule Ava," Dey continued giving a gentle nudge to me. Yet I had kept still and firm to my ground as I asked again.

"My father , is right there can I at least..."I pleaded again to him. Dey had looked at me in a stern expression then waved father over to me. Dey had ushered the guards into the jet as he muttered that  I only had a few moments with him.

Father had rushed up to the stairs and Carina had followed in a quick pace with her high heels. I never seen my father run before so this comes as a shock to me that he even can.  He immeaitely wrapped his arms around me.

"Ava, what is the amount ?"

"What? "I asked.

Father had backed away  then looked at me full of concern. He had glanced over at Carina who had brought my father's wallet out of her dress pocket. He was dead serious about this, he didn't even know that I am going to the slammer for.

"I don't know.." I managed to say in a lower tone.

He had immedately snapped his fingers at Corpsman Dey and lingered him to come over here. The officer had tried to put a smile on his face but he was rather shocked to even see himself this close to one of the elders of the galaxy.

"Mr. Taneleer what a pleasure to have you. What can I do for you?" He asked.

Father looked at the officers raggy clothes and then clicked his tounge on the roof of his mouth . He wasn't too happy to see that officer that was arresting me was in complete old school clothing comapred to him. My father was far more fancy then he was, even though it seemed like he was sweating through his fur coat.

" I would like to bail out my daughter this moment"  He said clearing his throat. My father like it can be assumed is very wealthy and could cut off all charges. He was willing to do that for me. He can easily gain back the money when we get home.

"You can't just bail a person out like this. Especailly the charges that she is facing" Corpsman Dey had said . Father had risen his thin eyebrows and glanced at me.This isn't going to be too good.

"What is she charged with? " He asked in a lower tone.  I havent heard him this angry in a long time, perhaps maybe three hundred to four hunderd years, after my mother died.  He went on a rampage and almost killed Carina things went that far.

Let's just hope that Corpman Dey wont exactly tell him.

"Forgery and illegal time travel" He said . My father's cheeks turned red and then kept his eye contact on me. He wasn't going to be too happy for a long time , just like last time. He in fact seemed a bit angrier this time though.

"You did what?" Father said in a lower tone then before.

Thank's alot Corpsman Dey! I am totally screwed now. He isn't going to take this easily by the look on his face.

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now