Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful day, the sky was a shade of baby blue, not a cloud in sight. The golden sun shone it's warm rays upon the people of Paris, a cool breeze made sure no one got burnt from the bright but harmful beams.

The streets were bare, not a single car in sight. All citizens were either at work or walking their dogs. Dogs which chased the many pigeons that sat pecking at the grass, searching for their afternoon lunch as it was about midday. That lovely time of day that every kid looked forward to, break.

Marinette ran down the stone steps of her school, unable to keep it all back. Her face glistened with fresh pearls that fell down the sides of her rosy cheeks. Cheeks which usually expressed joy, but today showed a different emotion. One Marinette hated to express, sadness.

She heard shouts from behind her, one belonged to her used-to-be best friend, Alya. Another to Alya's boyfriend, Nino, and the last to the boy she had been crushing on the past year. The person she could not talk to without stuttering, the person who she could no longer face, someone who had shattered her heart into a million pieces, Adrien Agreste.

Over all her classmates shouts she could hear one clear distinct sound, a high pitched snob filled laugh, one that she had come to know so well. The laugh of Chloe Bourgeois, the daughter of the mayor of Paris, Andre Bougouir, as well as the daughter of one of the best fashion designers and harshest critics in all of Paris. A critic who also founded Gabriel Agreste, one of Marinette's favourite designers, and father to Adrien Agreste, the one and only Audrey Bourgeois.

Marinette had always known that Chloe was behind this. But what was worst of all, was that all her classmates, including her best friend, had believed her, and that was the last straw, her breaking point.

Even thinking about it now as she ran brought rivers of unending tears pouring down her face . Unable to stop them she kept running, running to get away from her friends, running from the disaster of a day which had befallen her, and lastly, running to get home. Home where she could let it all out and have time to herself, where she could process what had happened and decide if she could do anything about it. But first she had to get there.

She heard a soft click as her pink bag around her waist was opened and a worried voice spoke out.

"Marinette, please stop running, you have to calm down," the voice belonged to her sweet kwami, Tikki, who made it possible for her to transform into Ladybug, a hero of Paris, but she was too hurt to hede her warning.

Her cracked heart showed no sign of repairing any time soon, the shouts just kept reminding her of this dreadful day. So, not listening to her kwami, she carried on running, one step at a time, leaving everyone behind her and focusing on the goal ahead, getting home.

Home, the wonderful place where her parents would be happily working hard. Baking delicious food which she would be able to eat or give to customers. Home where she could get lost in her own world up in her bedroom, a world full of designing and fashion. These wonderful thoughts echoed through her mind as she continued to run, the tears continuing to wet the concrete below her.

But soon new thoughts began to take over the old. Thoughts of what happened that day, ones that involved her friends, her love, Adrien, and the one who had caused her whole world to come crashing down, Chloe.

She started to near the crossing that separated her home from the pavement she was currently on. She caught a blurred glimpse of blackish-purple flying towards her. She heard her kwami cry desperately for her to calm down and control her emotions. However, she couldn't think straight. She was so close to her destination.

Just a few more steps, maybe I can out run it, she thought as she came to the crossing dividing her from her house. The butterfly inched closer and closer with every step she took until finally it was right by her ear, right by the special earrings that held Tikki when it was time to transform. The sharp loud flutter filled her ear and panic soon overcame her sorrow.

Her feet started to act on their own forcing her to move faster and faster in order to try and stop the little butterfly from turning her evil. Running across the road she started to near her house on the corner, inches away from her home she started to pick up speed. The screams from her old friends became louder and more anxious, but above all of the cries, one stood out particularly, bringing Marinette back to where she was.

"Marinette watch out!" A high pitched voice coming from her bag cried. Only then did Marinette hear the sound of tires rumbling towards her. Her eyes opened wide, fear and shock swirling around in her ocean blue orbs that had been clouded with grey a few moments before. She tried to stop her free moving feet, but alas, it was too late.

A high pitched scream barely managed its way out as a body of metal crashed into the body of flesh. The crunching of bones filled the air as Marniette's body was sent flying across the road, a puddle of crimson red starting to form around the girl, growing bigger and bigger by each passing second. The car which had hit her didn't even stop as the person inside commanded it to keep going, ignoring the scene before it.

The cries of her old friends filled her head as Marinette lay there unable to move. Pain seared through her body, she looked down to the ever growing red that was seeping out of her figure. She felt like throwing up but rather lay still as if she were already dead.

Her eyelids started to slowly flutter open and closed as she tried to remain conscious, her friends running towards her, shouting out something she was unable to hear. Strong arms wrapped around her and she felt herself being lifted off the ground.

Her eyes were met by another worry filled pair, a strand of blond hair fell into view covering one of the sparkling emeralds. Emeralds that once sparkled with happiness but now sparkled with barely held back tears.

She hated seeing him this way. All she wanted was for him to smile, but he barely flashed his white teeth that day, creating a feeling of despair down in her heart as she remembered the one person who did make him smile besides his best friend, Nino.

The person's mouth started to move, saying words that were unable to reach her ears. Agonizing pain washed through her and she felt her eyelids start to close, staying that way for a few more seconds than normal. She tried to fight the urge to give in and fall into the darkness, but was too weak.

Giving into the pain she opened her eyelids in order to get one last glance at the person in front of her. Big worried eyes met hers, eyes belonging to her crush, who had hurt her just a few minutes ago. Looking deeper into those large emeralds she was met by eyes that she recognized, eyes that she would never have guessed belonged to him..

The sad, hurt eyes of her kind and mischievous favourite superhero, Chat Noir. She had only seen these eyes once, on her balcony after she had been hurt by Adrien. The poor kitty had come over wanting some company, since, without knowing it, she had hurt him once again as Ladybug.

She hated rejecting his love confessions because, one, she didn't believe them to be true since she did not see what he found so special in Ladybug. And two, she loved Adrien and no matter how much she tried not to, she would never be able to forget about her kind hearted, caring, extremely good looking crush.

The look of pain in his eyes as he told her that he loved Ladybug but she didn't love him was an exact replica to the ones which were staring right back at her, just these were joined by worry and guilt.

Surprised and unable to carry on, she closed her eyes, detaching the shining green gems from her sight. Allowing herself to be welcomed and wrapped in a blanket of pitch black, darkness. 

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