C13: Level-up is Important

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After she woke up, Mako immediately gathered the top brass of the guild. That included the top ten of the guild, all the sub-master, and head of each group.

All in all, twenty players are gathered inside the guild's hall. They sat around an oval shaped table with Mako on the Head seat.

"I hope everyone have an idea on what this gathering is about." Mako spoke with a firm voice.

Ren-ren spoke while leaning against his chair. "It's about the levels right?" To this, Mako nodded her head once.

"I think some of you know already, that I levelled up to 502 after yesterday's event." She sighed. "Which indicates that the level cap is either gone or raised to a higher level."

During the fight against the monster horde, both Ren-ren and Mako levelled up. Mako gained another level after defeating the boss monster Black Slime. Sephiroth and Grisalda hadn't reached the max experience for a level 500 so they couldn't level up unlike the other two.

During the game period, the monsters' level was maxed at 600. However, the monsters near the boss during the fight was already over 600. It was an impossible scenario for the players, but here, it happened. Even the Black Slime was estimated to have been level 700 at least.

"In short, we should aim to level up, is that it?" Carrie confirmed while tilting her head.

"That is the main point." Mako said, raising a finger. Then, she raised another finger, "Next is to prepare for a similar event like yesterday's."

The fight ended after much struggling.  The number of players unable to directly join the battle was easily over half the whole. Others participated as support and logistics, which are important roles. However, if there was even a bit more of them over level 300, then the fight might have ended a bit more quickly.

All faces were starting to look livelier. They couldn't deny that they were all gamers through and through. Having a goal made them even more fired up.

"Now, I will give you all jobs to do." Mako declared as she stood.

"Jeremy! You and 100 more others with crafting related jobs are to investigate the changes on weapons, armor and materials."

"Now were talkin'!" Jeremy said, tilting his bowler hat to one side. He stood up and twirled, showing off his penguin style butler suit.

"Carrie! Take 50 from your scouting team and investigate the surroundings of our base. About ten kilometers in radius is enough."

"Got it!" Carrie saluted.

"Ren-ren, Sephiroth and Grisalda. Form a party and clear all monsters around the guild and nearby villages."

"Looks like it's my time to shine."
"You can leave it to us, Mako!"
The three answered in order.

"For the rest, form teams of six and enter the guild dungeon. Try to level up there, and investigate if there are any changes too." Mako addressed all the others that weren't named.

They all cheered with loud voices. After a while, the meeting was adjourned. And the busy days of the guild Phantom Delivery began.

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