Random shit I want to talk about to random people

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I'd honestly rather talk about these to someone specific but I think I'm just another burden to them, so why not be a bother to you all instead? XD

Oh wow I'm using XD's in a conversation where nothing was supposed to be funny...
But uhh.. I think it kinda fits? Whatever, let's just leave that at that.

So uhh
The dogs in the neighborhood are very noisy at the moment, and dog barks trigger me pretty easily because I'm short tempered.

Remember the last chapter? Yeah. Apple sucks.
I had to delete the GBA to use it again, and well, the game restarted. So now my pokémon are gone ahaha

So imma list their names here in rememberance..
Torterra- Tortilla
Umbreon- River
Walrein- Soft
Gastrodon- Ani (I'm sorry-)
Marowak- Taro
Altaria- Altaria

There! Haha
I'm so lonely oh my god-
I even mostly lost hope in God my Christian family is gonna disown me when they hear about this-

Do you know why I lost most of my faith in Him?
Yeah, my fucking Catholic bullies are so fucking mean to me they even called me ugly.
Which I'm not in my opinion.
I don't mean to brag or anything-

So one of the main reason why they bully me in the first place is because of the way I walk. Let's just say it's more like a waddle..
And all my fingers are crooked. It's like my parents bought me from a circus and never told me about it.
My eyes also roll on their own occasionally to get some air? And I like popping my jaws every so often???
And one of my friends even want me to try and twist my arms like what the fuck?

Why am I born in this world???

Well.., I'm an accident.. .-.
Don't tell my parents I told y'all-!

Okay so..
Y'all probably hate me now xD


Okay so I like ItzTainedKenny because he listens to me patiently?
Like how does one do that?
You're like one of my best bros mah man 👏👏👏
Berry good

One of my edgy ass friends diagnosed me with depression because I barely smile and always look mad even if I'm not..

And I snap at people so easily because I'd like to think that it's kind of a defense mechanism of mine?

I also like the fact that some people are scared of me.
A lil bit..

Like, they try as hard as they can to not make me angry!

So uhh
Do you know why I don't want to talk about my birthday?
It's because no one but my mom greets me happy birthday.
And my fricken grandfather greets my sister instead of me even though he knows that it's my birthday!
So what's the point of reminding everyone that it's my birthday when they don't even greet me?
Or just greet me to get food?
That's bullshit man!

I feel like I shouldn't post this in public..
A lot of people already hate me, so why should I drag more hatred in?
Whatever. I really need someone to listen,,

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