Stop it. Get some help.

15 1 2

Uh, hello, there

I just needed to tell you something short but important.
Beware, because this topic is kind of dark and edgy.

You probably heard of teenagers (or possibly adults) cutting or hurting themselves for attention, or because they wanted to feel pain, or to punish themselves because of what they've done to the people around them. ((Yo era uno de ellos- *cough cough*))

And then kill themselves afterwards.

Some people here on Wattpad wanted to stop this by being all happy and encouraging in most of their chapters. Even though they're secretly depressed themselves.

Some people also try to help and encourage people but make everything worse, or not helping at all. This causes them to blame themselves and be all sad and shiz. Some of them, only SOME of them then follows the lead and cut themselves. This causes the depressed lead more stress and regret for venting on people. So they shut themselves up and pretend to be happy.

Then then the depressed lead hurts themselves for being an influence to the child in secret.

Believe me, this is just a cycle. An edgy and cringey cycle.

Okay people. Listen up. Stop being edgy and shiz and just stop. Go get some mental help or something.

Commiting suicide doesn't help either so don't you dare think about it.

Puberty is just messing you up because they say it's 'part of growing up'. But it's half true to me-

Just- just stop okay- I don't know how to do speeches-

Ugh,, this is just making things worse- *takes her secret knife and cuts herself*


Lmao just kidding-
See what I did there? X''D

Okay yeah, I get it. This isn't funny at all.

But can you just stop being edgy? It isn't helping yourself. Try to forget everything in the past and start fresh. Like what I do!

Okay bye- *silently runs away*

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