Umeji Kizuguchi x Fem!Reader Part 1

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Your POV

There's one thing that you've always been bullied of, and that was... being a crybaby. You've been a crybaby since the kindergarten. You cried for almost anything that you thought was worth crying for. But over the years, you've been able to stop crying a little less. It's a good thing though, cause you were starting your first year at Akademi High School. You were nervous. You know what class you have to go to though atleast. Thank god the internet exists. Your classroom is 3-1. And you were a nervous wreck. Especially about your inner crybaby.

You had a friend that transferred from (school name) to Akademi High School. She transferred 1 year ago, and so, you decided to transfer with her too! Since she is one your closest friends. When you texted her that you were transferring to Akademi High School, she was so excited! She told you about everything and everyone. Including the delinquents. And of course, she told you about the 'bully gang'. You were curios about the delinquents. You've never seen one, or talked to one in your life... not yet.

~Time Skip to tomorrow's morning cause I'm to lazy~

You woke up, and checked your phone. 5:30, your phone said.

'Oh shit, I only have 30 minutes to get ready. F**k, imma be late on the first day.' You panicked. You would have to take a shower, change, eat breakfast, and walk to school in 30 fucking minutes. You would ask your parents for a ride, but they leave to work at 4:00 in the morning. Your house is a couple of blocks away, maybe 2-3 blocks away.

~ Another time skip to you running to school cause I'm again, lazy af~

You were now running to school, you checked your phone, the time was now 6:15 am. ' Oh shit, I'm already 15 minutes late! On my first day too' you thought to yourself. You were so caught up at looking at your phone, that you bumped into someone which caused you to fall on your bottom pretty hard. You had the urge to start crying in pain.
" What the hell is wrong with you??? Are you fucking blind??" you heard a voice in harsh tone yell  you that.

You looked up to see a boy with amber eyes, blondish hair, a yellowish shirt, a weapon case behind his back, and a scare across his right eye. You also saw 4 other guys behind him since he was in front of you.

"Aren't you gonna say anything??" He said in the same harsh tone. You got up, shaking in the process, your eyes
starting to tear up a bit, and all you could do at that moment was stare at him. You couldn't even open your mouth.

"Well?? Aren't gonna say something? Or stand there like a idiot staying quiet?"

"I..I-i.." you were now stuttering, causing the group of guys behind you to snicker at you at how scared you were.

"Yea, that's what I thought. Get lost freak" they guy in front of you said harshly. Scared of what would happen if you stayed, you ran as fast as you could and you didn't stop running until you were at the school's lockers. You checked your phone to find out your locker combination since it was sent online to you. After you were able to open your locker and change shoes, you saw the guy and his gang from earlier entering the school gates. You were surprised. You didn't expect them to come here at school. You thought they were just a gang that would hang around town and cause trouble. You quickly closed your locker and got the hell outta there. Why? Cause they were going near the lockers. Thankfully, you managed to pass by them without them noticing you. Once you made it to 3-1, you took a deep breath before entering the classroom. When you opened the door, everyone gave their attention to you, you started to get nervous at the attention you were getting.

" Why are you 20 minutes late young lady??!" The teacher of the classroom had said.

" I-I'm sorry Sensi, I'm the new student h-here." You had told her.

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