A New Beginning

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Thanks for reading you guys are the best! Btw it is set after the trials of apollo and Jason didn't die.

Percy's POV

'Are we nearly there yet?' I asked impatiently. We had been sitting in the supposed 'strawberry transport van ' for 3 hours, it had been complete hell (though no where near as bad as actual hell. Been there. Done that) my ADHD meant i could not sit still which annoyed those demigodsin the van who weren't , they were just sitting holding their heads wondering what on earth they did to get stuck in this situation.

'You have been asking this same question for the past 2 hours seweedbrain " My Wisegirl replied, glaring at me with those terrifyingly beautiful light grey eyes of hers. " We will get there when we get there so stop pestering me and let me get pack to these plans" after her telling off my mind started to wonder what we were even doing here in the first place...

Flashback - back at Camp Half Blood

It was a normal day at camp and all the different cabins were getting on with their designated activites, we had won the Giant war with suprisingly few casualties except for Leo ,but then he came back and after we all beat him up we hugged and said how glad we were to have our repair boy back. 

I was jerked out of these thoughts by Maise , a six year old Hecate camper, who was the sweetest person you could ever meet, " Chiron wants to speak woth you at the big house" i couldn't help but coo a little at her cute, wide adoring eyes staring up at me in awe, it was absolutly adorable."Ok" i answered " i'll head there now" satisfied she had accomplished her mission, the young demigod skipped off to her siblings to play a game of Vollyball

When i arrived at the Big House i saw an array of strange events that my brain seemed to accept as normal. Leo trying and failing to flirt with Thalia causing her to electrocute him making his already frizzy hair stand strait up in the air. A very happy Hazel using the mist to make an obsticle course of flying hoops for Frank the humming bird to do loop the loops through. Piper using her charmspeak to make Nico confess his love and crush on Will to her and in revenge him using the shadows to style her hair in a rather interesting style. 

Then there were the responsible ones Jason,Will and my Wisegirl were sitting round the corner of the table discussing plans for the camps wellbeing and ideas on the meeting they we currently being called in for. I entered the room and sat by my love with a kiss on the cheek ready for the meeting to begin.

I am just going to use italics for speech because it is easier

Right Chiron said causing everone to quieten down and stop whatever they were doing to other people attempting to discretly hide their actions and failing. The kindly centaur just rolled his eyes and continued, he was used to it by now I have called his meeting because the gods have summoned the ten of you to Olympus for an unknown reason 

no no no no no no no no was the only thing runnin through my mind. What do they want now, was it another prophecy, a punishment ( i know some of then hate me) but so soon after the war , i just wanted to relax, finish school and get on with ife in the mortal world. You will be flashed there any minute now Chiron informed us just as a blinding white flash took over my vision

On Olympus- No Ones POV

The gods sat on their thrones waiting for their children to arrive on Olympus, glad to finally see them flashed infront of them, HELLO DEMIGODS Zeus thundered dramatically. Everyone just stood still until someone finally had to break the awkwardness in the room Sooooo why are we here again? Asked Percy

Well son, we have each decided to bless one of you Poseiden answered The 14 of us (Hades and Hestia got thrones) have decided we each want to bless one of you

Demi-Gone.   (Percy Jackson/ Gone series Crossover)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat