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I woke up in a dark room thankfully it didn't take long to adjust to the room. One of the perks of being a vampire and the room looked like a basement of some sort.

A middle aged man came down into the basement. He was obviously a vampire I could tell by the pattern of his heartbeat and his scent. "Hello love." The vampire looked at me and lifted my head up so I was facing him. "You have your grandmothers eyes Natasha." He told me and my eyes went cold.

"Mikael." I muttered as I glared at him "You're supposed to be dead. Klaus killed you! He watched you burn!"

"You're not the only one with witches on their side Natasha." Mikael picked up a black revolver from a counter in the room and shot me in the leg. A shock of pain went through my leg as he shot me and there was a frazzling sound and there was only one explanation. Vervain bullets. Great.


Mara P.O.V

I had to knock out Aurora and snap Elena's neck to get them to leave the party as they would not leave without Tash. Leaving Tash didn't effect me in the slightest. Sure she was a nice girl and all but I did not know her that well so I wasn't attached and I preferred to keep it that way too. After all the more people you became attached to the more people can hurt you with people you surround yourself with and it made you vulnerable.

In different circumstances maybe Tash and I could be friends but Caroline, Tash and their friends were too much trouble and I could not let them drag Nate and I down with them. I dragged Elena and Aurora into Tash and Nate's house.

I felt like being nice so I didn't take Tash's car. Also I needed to make sure that nobody could track me. The bullets that were fired I saw them in all the chaos and I was half tempted to ditch Aurora and Elena at the party and disappear off the edge of the earth. But I couldn't I didn't want the originals to hate me more than they already did. Especially with Mikael aka vampire Hannibal Lector on the loose and trying to kill me.

I had no idea where I was going I was feeling Australia at least I would have my best friend there. The two of us could hide because damn was she good at hiding. Sipping cocktails on the beaches in Sydney sounded great too and off of Mikael's radar as I couldn't see Aurora or Klaus going there anytime soon.

Running maybe cowardly but everything's about me surviving in my head. It will always be me, family, friends in that order with no fail. I would not die for knowing Natasha Salvatore and her friends or for visiting my best friend. If there was any even whisper of Klaus or Mikael or any other original Katherine and I would be out of Australia before you could blink.

It's all about Self-Preservation darlings and nothing would get in my way.


I was awoken by the sound of gunfire and I glared at the guy who had his gun pointed at me. "Hey can you be a babe and we do the whole torturing thing later it's way too early to do this right now don't you agree?"

The guard grunted and it was so low I had a hard time believing it was even made out a sentence or even a word. Mikael came down and I shut up to be honest he really scared me but I would not show it. Emotions made you weak and I, Natasha Emery Mikaelson was not weak.

just an average girl in mystic falls( TVD Fanfiction) (Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now