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"....break a leg.."

Brielle jolt awake from the strange dream she had, frantically turning around here and there but immediately calms down seeing Flynn next to her gently squeezing her hand with that reassuring smile she wears so often.

Sighing in relief she lays back down on her bed,


Once more she stood up facing her loyal assistant dead in the eyes, dark blue coral met with light hazel ones.

"how long have I been out."

Sounding more like a statement than a question Flynn chuckles at her master who's trying to sound firm, she shakes her head and lay her master back down.

"calm down now young miss, everything is ok I will explain only after you're calm..."

Brielle hesitate but just sigh knowing she'd never win this and it's for her own good anyway, Flynn smile stretch a little before turn back to a straight.

"Good morning young miss, updates for you after two days of passing out"

Flynn look at Brielle trying to sense any movements for she has flinched a little after the word 'two days of passing out'. Flynn continues.

"The weather has been rather cold the past few days as you expected early January and I have submitted your designs to Mr. Shepherd and I even told him you have passed so he gave you two months of break he thought you passed out because of the event. Speaking of which— you were found passing out after the lights went on and I'm not really sure if anything... But I think your worries about the game character a few days ago? wasn't not in vain... It might've some connection to this—"

As if it was a cue, Brielle's bedroom door swings open revealing a panting man in a white hoodie with jogging pants. He was built due to his muscular chest and his strong looking biceps and he seems to be drenched in sweats and was panting heavily.

"you.....said.....she.... is going... to wake up today?"

His deep voice was coated with fatigue and excitement it was also heavily accented, Brielle stared at this unknown man with a hoodie still on his head. Slowly he raise his head to face Brielle and Flynn, Brielle's eyes was wide as a response shocked to see this man in front of her standing at the door frame arms crossed... all his features aren't clear enough but his shining golden iris was enough for Brielle to guess who.

Her trance was broken by the man moving towards her causing for her to yelp and hide in Flynn's chest, she brushes Brielle's hair in response.

Flynn was already sending death glares towards the man telling to not ever do that again and to her surprise he actually flinch under her gaze.

"I'm sorry, but I needed answer as quick as possible and I heard you have finally healed... so I rush towards this room." the man spoke.

Brielle whispers to Flynn and she nods in response before turning back to the man's direction.

"Young miss, has forgiven you now we are going to discuss what is going on and how are we going to fix this... is that alright with you, young miss?"

Brielle nodded in response slowly turning away to look back at the man in the eye, dark blue coral meets golden ones.

"Introduce yourself sir"

The trance broke once more thanks to Flynn, he cleared his throat and grab a chair sitting across from Flynn.

"my name is Altaïr Ibn La-'Ahad, I'm the master assassin of Masyaf" he explains.

Brielle smile stretches on her face, she obviously knew who this man is. It's her childhood crush why wouldn't she know?
Flynn nodded and look over to her master asking a permission to introduce themselves, which Brielle nods in approval.

"My name is Flynn James and this is Brielle Wellington, you can call me Flynn but you must call her MISS W until she said so"

Altaïr didn't disagree and instead nod along as much as the arrogance he was proclaimed to inherit he seems fine here, Brielle felt nervous of him already knowing her real name but has to call by her fake one but it's safer that way isn't?

After Flynn explains what happen because and where they're Altaïr just listen and nod in understanding, Brielle wanted to explain what the voice has told her to do and why but she still doesn't seems to find her voice until a painful burn on her wrist interrupts the briefing Flynn and Altaïr is having. They turn once they heard Brielle's soft yelp she was desperately holding her wrist which cause Flynn to react by softly removed the other hand of her wrist and look to it.

There was a letter A which was slowly disappearing and turning into a letter E, which was a shocking to everyone including Flynn.

"Now that's odd..."Flynn spoke gently twisting Brielle's wrist to see if there's anything else.

"wasn't it the letter A before? why did it change?" Altaïr ask, curiosity has won over him causing for him to lean closer to get a good look on Brielle's wrist.

"yes indeed it was, but hmm.... did it change right after you enter? It could mean that letter was the letter of your first name? well then, who could this possibly be?" Flynn rambles while inspecting Brielle's wrist while Brielle was working her mind out here.

'If the letter A is for Altaïr then the letter E must be...!'

That's when Brielle snap causing her to yank her wrist away and quickly grabs her laptop from her side table, she quickly turns it on earning a confuse look from Altaïr and Flynn.

"It's a laptop using for searching and looking through things you don't find easily in front of your very eyes.." Flynn explains which doesn't really help Altaïr's confusion but he nodded anyways.

They stared at Brielle who's hand was typing as fast as lightning, Flynn's wrist watch beeped causing for her to stand.

"Now young miss, could you excuse me for I have a dinner to prepare..." Flynn said looking at her quick working master.

Brielle look over to Flynn than back at Altaïr, Flynn getting the message just sigh and roll her eyes but keeping her gentle smile as always.

"Altaïr, you must come and assist me in preparing dinner, leave young miss to her work let's get a move on...."

Altaïr wanted to stay but since he needed the help from Flynn and Brielle he always needs to listen to them, as they left the room leaving Brielle alone once more.

"ok all passed, now all I gotta do is ask for my jet to come over..."

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