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Restaurant of France

It is today, the day has arrived... taking a large intake of air before slowly exhaling. It usually is not a problem but this time it is... Brielle's father has insisted to drive her to the restaurant and not allowed Flynn to follow for Brielle to meet this man in person and to meet him herself.

The pressure is just too much but Brielle have everything under control so that she wouldn't faint, elegantly she walks slowly in her Prussian blue glittery dress. Walking hand in hand with her father into the restaurant not bothering the conversation between her father and the waiter, her eyes wander around the features of the restaurant and it was filled with such things from France.

'Funny, we are pretty much CLEARLY not in France...' Brielle lost herself in her own thought was suddenly tug back to reality when her father starts to walk once again, they walk in what seems a private dining room.

'oh no....merde.... how am I gonna—?'

"I respect your privacy dearest daughter, that's why I booked this just for you" Shepherd spoke up.

Brielle obviously don't like this but her father had good intentions so lets not piss him off, she nodded thanking him as he smiles in satisfaction.

He turn to leave her alone in that room in which has a nice fancy table and a glass door heading out to the balcony outside, there was also paintings like from the renaissance era.

'If only Leonardo could be in this era he'd see so many wonders, hell! even a plane!'

  Brielle was so focused on the painting she didn't realize the presence of someone else entering the room already until he coughs for her attention. Brielle turn shockingly to the man's presence in the room.

"ye must be MISS W, I've been wanting to meet you properly in person, I hope you've been doing well these past few weeks?" He spoke while escorting and helping Brielle to her seat.

As usual Brielle couldn't bring out to say anything but this time it's not because of the anxiety problems instead it's because this is the person who has been haunting her days before, surely she's not suppose to he happy of his presence HELL she's suppose to kill him and send him back to where he belongs but his good-looking face just weakens her.

"I know you don't really speak MISS W, but I've heard your voice before... is it alright if I hear it once more?" the speaks, Brielle hesitated so she kept herself silent.

Shay Patrick Cormac, good-looking Irish man, heavily accent, built frame and an ex assassin.... I honestly don't blame him for joining the Templars but still.....

"you know I have the rights to report to your father if you're not presenting yourself good enough right? This will badly affect the Wellington Company wouldn't it?" he threatened his brown eyes glistened with curiosity, Brielle reacted quickly hearing those words and right when the food comes in with various waiter bringing in various Italian cuisines and left soon after.

"d-don't! pl-plea-please! my fat-father would K-KILL me!!!" Brielle pushed herself which comes out as a heavy stutter.

Shay smirked as he hear that soothing small fragile voice once more, Brielle is already blushing but thanks to the mask it covers her. Shay let out a deep chuckle and pass a file towards Brielle, confuse she look inside it was a Templar file thingy.

"I'm joking, why would I want to report ye to that old fart.... ye are yer own woman I ain't snitching nothing... BUT I would like to know your opinion in joining us..." Shay from joking to a sudden serious mode said.

Brielle reads from the above until she reaches down and was shocked that he was inviting her to the Templar gang, Brielle look up towards Shay who was forsomereason attractively drinking his wine, noticing her gaze he puts down his drink and smirk.

"It's either yer admiring me or ye don't understand that proposal I just gave ye but either one I'll take the first option" he winked, Brielle blush but remains her cool and chooses the second option pretending to not know this group of Templars.

"oh well— we are a group of people who will keep everything at peace, Templars, we get rid of assassins and filthy murderers off the streets and we are in heavy search of a device or should I say relic? It's called the ap—" as Shay goes on Brielle who was slowly dying in the void of fangirlness, she is obviously being asked by a hot ass Templar ex-assassin to join him but sure she's loyal to her assassin family soooo yea..... a big fat N O.

Brielle stand while Shay was in his mid-sentence, and gave him a very professional look.

"Thank you very much Mr. Cormac I appreciate your offer, I'll think of this later on now I must head back works are going to be piling up, here my phone number incase of more update I will look deeper into this 'Templar' thing so I wish your life luck and hopefully we meet again in the future..." —and with that Brielle sassily leaves Shay behind who was left alone to smirk at the confident Brielle gave out earlier and god that voice.

"and I didn't even need to introduce myself.... Maybe her father did it for me already haha" he stared at the small card with her number on it, he smiled as he reach for his phone to save it.


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