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Yaaay! Another update!!

Sorry I haven't been updating for a while, I've been reading, and writing more stories so you can look forward to those ;)

This is the second to last chapter, just thought I'd let you knooow

And in addition to this story ending, there will be a sequel! Yaaay!!

I don't know when I'll upload it, especially since it hasn't been written yet :p

But for now, enjoy this chapter. I want to thank you so much for the support on this story, it's truly amazing and I love you all.

Vote and share this story and you will have a unicorn in your bedroom waiting to take you to magical unicorn land!

Again, thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you all later!!


~Stephanie ;)

"Sasuke." I greeted. He looked deathly at Itachi, then, my voice regestered in his head, and he looked over towards me, a sad look growing in his eyes.

"Kuraun? What are you doing with him?" Sasuke asked surprised. This was not as good as he showed me before. Maybe because it as real, and he didn't think that I'd actually go. Or maybe he just knew I was alright, and he just wanted to kill his brother.

Probably the last one.

"I decided he isn't such a bitch." I said, smirking. Itachi sent me a look that said something along the lines of, "You don't call the Itachi Uchiha a bitch, little girl." Or, at least, that's what I interpreted it as.

Kisame muttered something, followed by Itachi saying something. I tuned them out as I stared at Sasuke, guilt filling my heart. I then turned to Naruto, who was looking confused, and the slightest bit hurt every time I caught his eye. Then once, he looked at me, and yelled, "Kuraun! You're an ANBU under the Hokage! Come on, take these two down!" I twitched at the mention of "ANBU" and "Hokage" and closed my eyes, sighing.

"Oh, an ANBU under the Hokage's rule, eh? Looks like the leaf village rouge's share a common position. Of ANBU, of course." Kisame laughed. I opened my eyes again, and looked at Naruto. It took everything inside of me not to cry while doing so.

"Itachi Uchiha. Prepare to die." Sasuke announced to his brother before giving a big speech, and nearly hitting me with his chidori while aiming for his brother, and missing.

"Thanks for almost hitting me, Sasuke." I said as I looked to my side to see if he had indeed hit me. As I thought, he didn't. Itachi and Sasuke were having a glare off, and I couldn't help but look at Naruto as he gathered the nine tails chakra.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I told him, boredly. He ignored me and kept on doing it, until Kisame swung his sword through the visible red chakra, making it go away completely. Before Kisame could say anything, I started walking towards Naruto and talking.

We're Stuck Here So Lets Have Some "Fun" ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now