Chapter 87 Apocalypse

Start from the beginning


As i fall I fire a kuni at its gun

Grineer heavy:Huh?!

It gets stuck in one of the barrels and explode I fall into the rubble and she smashs into a wall.

Ash:hmm....well that

I look up from the debris and see her slowly stand up with a pistol.

Grineer heavy:Alright come o..

Suddenly x jumps from above landing on her

Grineer heavy:WHAT GET OFF OF ME!

He puts his hand to her face

X:Join us...back as our servant race.

I see void lighting appear out the cracks of her armor then theres a flash I look away from the blinding light but when I turn back the grineer has a corrupted glow.

X:Now...what is your purpose...

Grineer heavy:To find a new fuel source for our new vessel.

I wipe the debris off me and walk towards them.


Grineer heavy:The vika a sworn secret to grineer of my rank. Needs a higher power source

X:So your using relics?

Grineer heavy:Many.

Ash:How many do you currently have?

Grineer heavy:Hundreds but a thousend are needed and we havent hit that mark.

X:Well this is news.

Grineer heavy:our leader wanted my group to hall 60. We Pinpointed about 17 here.

X:well thats some good info.

Ash:Almost forgot the grineer were in this war. They seemed so irrelvent.

X:Working in the shadows with that status I see. Anymore of your kind here?

Heavy gunner:Three squads though im unaware of there status.

Ash:Well thats great.

X:Go home servant.

A sudden blast of light is seen as she disappears

Ash:Wait he can go back but you cant?

X:I I have the option. But father didnt permit me to do that until a week later.

Ash:When were you sent out.

X:Two days ago.

Ash:So we are gonna be stuck together for a bit huh?

X:Seems like.

Ash:Well where is more relics?

He folds his arms

X:Seems there north but very faint.

We trudge onwards and hear some snarls.

Ash:Might be some marked ones.


We hear some more clattering and see a burnt outline chewing on something that looks like a body.


X:Makes sense. There is no food out this far in space and the grineer ones and corpus still need substance.

I cast silence and shoot him in the head we slowly walk towards them.


The body is of a atlas he was holding a hek.

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