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Once we finished eating our food we made our way to our cars.

"Who wants to join me, I don't want to drive alone" Alycia asked. No one answered her and I felt bad, "feeling the love right now guys" she said in a faked sad tone.

"I'll join you" I said as I made my way from Marie's car to Alycia's. As I met her gaze I spotted her smirking once she realised I caught her she stopped and turned around and hopped into her car. I turned to Marie and shrugged at her before entering the passengers side of Alycia's car.

As we pulled out of the waffle house parking lot I spotted the aux cord and immediately grabbed it and plugged my phone in. I saw out of the corner of my eye Alycia looking at me with a smirk before she refocused on the road.

I scrolled through my playlist before selecting This Is How We Roll by Fifth Harmony and turning it up so the music is blasting out the speakers. Once the song finished and the next one came on I turned the music down and was about to ask Alycia a question before she did.

"I didn't pick you as a Harmonizer" she said with that signature smirk that makes me want to kiss her right there. I have not known her long but I am already falling for her. I didn't know I was staring until she cleared her throat, I snapped out of my trance and focused on the road ahead. I didn't know I was tired until I felt my eye lids grow heavy. The next thing I knew I was dreaming about the gorgeous woman that was sat right next to me.


I was awoken by a soft touch gently shaking my arm and an angelic voice telling me to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the light. I looked over to Alycia and saw her smiling at me.

"You know you look cute when you sleep y/n" She said and got out of the car. I sat there for a minute trying to process what she just said. I shook my head trying to clear my head and got out of the car 'what is this woman doing to me' I thought

"ooooo someone has a crush" I heard my annoying older sister say

"What, no I do not" I said lying

"Yes you do, you just said, and I quote, 'what is this woman doing to me'" she replied with a smirk on her face

"Shit I wasn't meant to say that out loud. But so what if I do, she is drop dead gorgeous" I said smiling and slightly blushing

"Who is?" I heard another voice ask only to turn around to see it was Alycia

"Oh umm no one. I have to use the toilet. Bye" I said scurrying off quickly to save myself from further embarrassment. As I entered the massive cabin, I headed upstairs to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and splashed cold water on my face.

After collecting myself I headed out of the bathroom and downstairs to where everyone was sitting on the couches laughing.

"Oh y/n, you will have to share a room with Alycia." Marie said and subtly winked at me. I put on a smile and went and sat next to Eliza and rested my head on her shoulder. I was always close with her, she was like a second sister to me.

We just sat around talking for the next few hours and it was now about 4pm.

"Who wants to go swimming in the lake?" I asked jumping up off the couch

"Yessss, y/n with the good idea again" Eliza said getting off the couch and running up to her room to get changed. As everyone else agreed we all dispersed into our rooms and got changed. As Alycia and I got the main bedroom we were the only ones with a bedroom downstairs and the only ones with an ensuite. I grabbed my bathers and headed to the bathroom to change so Alycia could change as well.

I made sure Alycia was finished changing before I exited the bathroom wiring my black bikini. I made my way over to the dresser to put my clothes away. I turned to face Alycia and she looked stunning in her plain white bikini. She didn't seem to realise that I had turned around and I noticed she was staring.

"You know it is rude to stare Alycia" I said as I walked past her swaying my hips on purpose. I had no idea where that confidence came from but I liked it. I knew I would make Alycia mine by the end of this trip.

I made my way to the lake and saw that everyone was already in the lake. I put my towel and phone down with the other stuff and ran into the lake.

"There's my sexy little sister, I was staring to think you weren't coming anymore" Marie said and I splashed her and swam over to the rope swing. I got out of the water and grabbed onto the piece of rope that was suspended from a tree branch. I walked backwards with it in my hand, I run and jumped into the lake letting go of the rope and doing a front flip into the water.

"You're such a show off" Bob yelled at me

"Only for you babe" I teased and splashed him as I swam over

We stayed in the lake for hours and it was now dark.

"I'm hungry. Let's go order pizza" Lindsey exclaimed

"Lindsey you're always hungry" Richard said as we all made our way to shore. I always thought they would make a cute couple. I don't think they see that though.

We all made our way back to the cabin and because it was dark we couldn't really see where we were walking and the next thing I knew an excruciating pain shot up my leg.

"AHHHHHHH" I screamed and fell to the floor clutching my foot.

"Oh my god y/n are you okay?" Alycia asked as she was the first one to get to me. She crouched down to me.

"No, it's my foot. I think I stood on something" I said tears threatening to spill.

"Someone hand me their phone" Alycia said and Eliza handed her, her phone. She shined the light on my foot and gasped. "y/n you stepped on a shard of glass" Alycia said looking me in the eyes seeing how much pain I was in almost made her cry. It was sweet.

"You can't walk on it, and we can't remove it here. I can do it back at the cabin though" She said looking at everyone.

"We will go find everything we can that might help back at the cabin" Eliza said as her Marie, Lindsey, Ricky and Richard left and headed back to the cabin.

"I can carry her if you like" Bob said to Alycia. I wondered why he asked her instead of just picking me up.

"No it's okay, I can do it" Alycia replied. She could not possibly be strong enough to carry me all the way back to the cabin. But I didn't protest, she made me feel safe, something I've never felt before. She placed one arm under my legs and the other behind my back and with what seemed like it took no effort she lifted me off the ground and stated carrying me to the cabin. I wrapped my arms around her neck and nuzzled my head into her neck.

We made it to the cabin and she place me on the couch and put my foot on a pillow to elevate it. The others came downstairs with all the stuff they could find.

"I hope all this is useful" Eliza said handing the supplies to Alycia. Marie made her way over to me, grabbing stool and sitting next to me grabbing my hand, and with her other hand brushed away the hair covering my face.

"This is going to hurt little nugget" I smiled at her use of the nickname she gave me when we were children. Her free hand ran through my hair and the other one tightly gripped my hand. Without warning I felt another shooting pain and scream and squeezed Marie's hand.

"Someone get me a cloth, she is loosing a lot of blood" Alycia said worriedly. I could feel my eyelids growing heavy and all I wanted to do is close them.

"y/n stay with me. Little nugget do not close your eyes. You need to keep them open." That was the last thing I heard Marie say before my vision was flooded with darkness.

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