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Alycia carried me to the car as I was too distraught to walk. I was shaking and silent tears were poring from my eyes. Alycia placed me in the car and buckled me in and kissed my forehead. She made her way around to the drivers side and started the car and drove towards the hospital.

She held my hand the whole way. Our fingers intertwined and resting in my lap. I have calmed down a little during the drive but not much. I need my big sister, she cant die on me, not now.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot and Alycia parked and hurried to my door and opened it. I unbuckled myself and grabbed Alycia's out-stretched hand intertwining our fingers once again. We walked into the emergency room and I instantly spotted Eliza and let go of Alycia's hand and ran to her and engulfing her in a hug.

I cried into her shoulder and she rubbed soothing circles on my back and whispering things to try and call me down. She knew I didn't do well in these situations, ever since the car crash that killed my parents and almost killed me I have never been the same.

"How is she?" I asked as well as I could as I was stilly sobbing.

"Not good y/n. I'm really sorry, but she will fight till the end, you know how strong she is" Eliza said looking into my eyes and I knew she was being sincere. She knew about my past and how far I have come since the accident 2 years ago and it was nice having her here. But I really couldn't be around anyone right now.

"I think I need to go and get some air" I announced to the two girls. I could see Alycia was about to come with me before Eliza grabbed her wrist and stopped her. As much as I loved Alycia she would only make things worse for me right now, anyone with me right now would get a real ear full that they don't want to hear.

I walked out of the hospital and down the road a bit. The hospital was close to the beach so I made my way there. I sat on the sand and cried. I cried till I had none left.

I was sitting by myself for what seemed like forever and it was dark so I couldn't see a thing. I decided it was finally time for me to go back. Maybe they'll have news on Marie.

I slowly walked back to the hospital, the street lamps the only source of light. I walked in and saw Eliza and Alycia sitting on the chairs, Eliza was asleep on Alycia's shoulder. As I approached Alycia shook Eliza awake and they both looked at me. I was about to say something when the doctor came over.

"Here for Marie Avgeropoulos" he announced. The three of us nodded and he continued. "She is out of surgery she is still in critical condition and unconscious, but she is doing better than when she first arrived" he told us

"Can we see her?" I asked

"Only immediate family" he said sternly

"I am her sister, our parents are dead and we have no other relatives" I said, saying a bit more than was needed

"Right follow me" he said. Before I left I turned to the others.

"Just go home, there is no point in staying if your just going to be sitting here" I said and stated to walk off when Alycia grabbed my wrist

"No y/n, we are not leaving until we know both of you will be okay" she said sternly

"No Alycia, just leave. I know your only trying to be caring and all but I don't need that. I got enough sympathy from my parents death to last me a lifetime. Just go" I said and took my wrist out of her grasp and followed the doctor to Marie's room.

When I entered the room I saw her connected to all kind of tubes. Her heart rate monitor was beeping at a steady rate which I was thankful for. I went to her side and grabbed her hand.

"You are not allowed to leave me Marie. I need you so much. If you leave I have no one left, I'll be all alone. Please just come back to me. I love you so much." I said as more tears slipped from my eyes.

That's where I stayed, by Marie's side everyday hoping that she would just wake up. A few weeks passed and others were now allowed to visit. I didn't acknowledge any of them, not even Alycia or Eliza. I didn't need their 'I'm sorry's' or their 'you should eat something' I was coping just fine and couldn't afford to leave Marie.

A few months past and still nothing. I had only left her side to have a quick shower every now and then but I didn't each much. I was never hungry. I was still praying that she would wake up. The doctors say she has a 40% chance of waking up. I believe she will.

A few more months have past and the doctors said she was getting better and they were really surprised with how she was getting better. I wasn't though, I knew she would fight till the end. People stopped coming to visit. Alycia stopped trying to contact me. I didn't really care for that right now, all I cared about was Marie and her waking up.

"y/n?" I heard someone croak out. My head shot up and I was greeted with her green eyes.

"Marie. Thank god you woke up" I said as I stoop up and brushed the hair out of her face. "Don't you ever scare me like that again" I said as sternly as I could as I kissed her forehead.

I pressed the button that called the nurses in and they all came rushing in but breathed a sigh of relief when they saw she was awake. I had a huge smile on my face, but the last thing I remember was incoherent chatter between the nurses and Marie before my vision went black.

My Sister's FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora