24 | leaving

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kenzies pov

Johnny and I got into his car and headed towards our destination. It was a sunny and very beautiful morning. That's why I love LA it's always warm!

When we reached the park Johnny took my hand and we just walked for a while, observing the beautiful nature.

Johnny and I talked and laughed. He is probably the funniest person I know, no joke. He always makes me laugh!

"Your smile is so pretty" Johnny said when I laughed for the hundredth time
"Ehh I don't think so" I say chuckling
"I do" he says sharply
"Okay" I say smiling "thank you"

"Do you have to leave?" I say sadly
"I do, I have school you know" he says
"Oh yeah I forgot about that" I say "thank god I'm homeschooled"
"You're so lucky. My parents don't let me" he complains
"Oh that sucks" I reply
"I does" he says crossing his arms on his chest like a small kid, so cute I laugh.

After some hours of just enjoying each other's company we head towards Johnny's hotel. He has to pack and stuff.

On our way there we go into the in and out drive through cuz we got hungry. I love food.

When we get to his hotel we head to his room.
When we got in, I see his family there.
I actually haven't met any of them, except Lauren. I felt a bit nervous.

"Kenzieee" Lauren says when she sees me and runs to hug me
"Hey Lauren" I say hugging her back
"It's so sad we are leaving" she says
"Yeah ugh" I say

Johnny introduces me to all of his family members. His dad, his mom, Maddie his older sister and Darian the second older sister of the family.

How are they all that pretty, I want their genes ugh.

Johnny packs up his stuff and I just talk with his family. They are all very sweet and kind.


When is time for them to go Johnny takes my hand and leads me to another room.

"I'm going to miss you so much" he says looking down
"Me too" I say sadly
"Now we're going back to the usual" Johnny says
"Back to being infront of a screen" I sigh
"It sucks" he says "but I'll come back soon"
"Promise?" I say holding out my pinky finger
"Promise" he says attaching them

We then just stare at each other. Like we just don't want to let go. We just want to stay in this moment forever. Just us being us forever. We both feel the tension and sadness inside of us.

He leans in suddenly and we kiss. Our lips touching, moving in motion. It continues for a long long time. No one wants to let go. But we have to. So when we part we are both so sad.

I feel tears forming. His eyes are red. I've never seen him cry, ever.

We hug for one last time. He squeezes me as tight as he cans. I almost can't breathe. But I don't care at all. I just want this hug to last forever.

"Goodbye" he says
"Goodbye" I wave at him, with tears streaming down my eyes.

I watch him walk away and get into the car.
I watch while the car drives away, and all I can feel is loneliness.

juoni left :(
I feel so proud of them idk why
Both kenz and John and doing sm
these days ah

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