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This next part is kind of a lot. You, as a reader, are going to face something that probably a lot of you don't have to deal with, and hopefully will never have to. Racism. Being a person of color myself (Latino/Hispanic descent), I have had to deal with racism. And you never really see that in fanfics etc because it's awful. But it's a reality. Especially since the location is a 1st class private academy.

Remember how at the beginning of the season, Haruhi had to deal with that jealous girl? And how that girl made it look like Haruhi was making 'advancements' on her? Yeah, also a serious topic. So you can't come at me for bringing this in. So, all the last thing I have to say is: be prepared and don't get offended.


When lunch was over, Haruhi and I said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I was walking down the hall when a girl walked past me. I accidentally bumped into her, which quickly sent her the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry," I apologized, but the girl looked totally disgusted. "Don't touch me!" I froze, a confused expression on my face. People started noticing and stopped to watch. "U-uh," I stuttered, not knowing what to do. "C-can I help you up?" I asked as I leaned closer. 

"Don't come near me!" She screamed, making me quickly back up. Everyone started to whisper and I gulped. Two boys came and helped her up, so I can rule out she hates men. She glared at me and the two boys caught onto this. They turned to glare at me too, one of them stepping protectively in front of her. "What did you do?" He asked and I furrowed my brows. "I didn't do anything to her. I apologized for bumping into her and offered her a hand up," 

I explained as I opened my palms towards them. The boy turned to look at the girl, asking if this was true. She was crying at this point when she said, "H-he touched me!" My eyes shot open in alarm. Everyone stared at me in disbelief or sheer disgust. "That's what you can expect from someone like him." Someone muttered. "Everyone knows that people with his lineage are rapists." Another said. I started to hyperventilate, remembering things that I've tried so hard to push down. 

I broke through the crowd and ran away, pulling out my phone. I hit speed dial and got an immediate response. "Jirou, come get me now!" I yelled and he said he would be there in five. I ran out of the school and reached the gate, turning to the left. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. A few minutes later, a familiar car appeared in the distance. I stopped when the car pulled right in front of me. Jirou got out of the car and rushed towards me.

"Are you hurt?" He asked me. Tears formed in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. "I need to go home." Right now, I wasn't an accomplished businessman... I was just a sixteen year old boy He guided you to the car and opened the door for you. I got in and he buckled me in. He quickly went to the driver's seat and turned around to go back home. You looked out the window until you saw your faint reflection. You closed your eyes and looked away.

Jirou watched you with concern, wondering what on earth happens to have me so shaken up. Hell, he was feeling shaken seeing me like this. "... Do you want to talk about it?" Jirou asked and I shook my head no, saying that I just wanted to be home. His lips formed a line and he nodded. Jirou pulled in and parked the car, immediately getting out to open the door for me. I got out and went straight inside, Jirou running to catch up to me.

My servants were surprised to see me home so soon, but looking at my face, they feared for the worst. I walked up to my room, Jirou being right behind me. I went straight for my bed and collapsed onto it. Jirou stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do. "I'll...get you a glass of water." He said as he swiftly walked away. I pulled my face out of my pillow. I felt dazed as if time was playing tricks on me.

"Calm down, (m/n)...calm down," I spoke softly to myself. I sat up and closed my eyes, rubbing my face. I then remembered the scene and gripped the sheets. Jirou returned and crouched down in front of me. "Here," He said as he offered me a glass. I slowly took it and sipped from it. Jirou watched me with a worried expression, fearing for the worst. Of course, he knew that something hit too close to home, and he knew only a few things could do that.

My mother...and racism.

"What happened?" Jirou asked, his anger towards the perpetrator evident in his voice. I stayed quiet. "(m/n), tell me." He asked softer. I looked up at him, my eyes cold and empty. "I am your master! Don't speak to me in such a friendly manner!" Jirou straightened at my commanding tone. He slowly got up, taking a step back. He was shocked, not expecting me to snap at him. Just then, the sound of a doorbell rang through the house. 

Jirou quickly left to find out who it was, to tell that I wasn't in the best state at the moment. Jirou surprisingly saw Haruhi running towards him, no, towards (m/n). Haruhi paid him a quick glance before she ran to (m/n)'s room. She stopped at the entrance, seeing me in a disheveled state atop my bed. "(m/n)," She said and I paused, slowly looking up. "Haruhi?" I couldn't believe that she was standing there. 

She quickly walked towards me and got onto my bed, sitting across from me. "Right when I heard what happened, I ran all the way here." She said and I could tell because she was still panting. "Haruhi," I croaked, old scars opening up. I dove into her, knocking her back onto my bed. I cried into her shoulder, and she was surprised. I was usually so confident and put together, and now I looked so broken. "(m/n)," She breathed my name. 

My grip on her tightened as I continued to cry into her uniform. Haruhi put her fingers in my hair and I began to calm down. Haruhi has known me for so long, that she knows what calms me down. She continued to massage my scalp, playing with my tresses of hair. After a while, I got off her. "Sorry, I've probably been crushing you," I said as I rolled over onto my back. "Nah, you're just a bean pole." I chuckled at her response. 

It was quiet before she spoke, "You need to tell me everything that lead up to this." I sighed as I stared up at my ceiling. After a few minutes passed, I confessed everything that happened. When I finished, it was silent once more. "(m/n), everyone's worried about you. They even wanted to come and help you." Haruhi said and I blinked in surprise before I smiled. "Really?" I asked and Haruhi affirmed it. "And they can help you, if you let them in," Haruhi continued, 

"Literally, they're waiting outside right now." I shot up and looked at her. "They are?!" I asked and she laughed and nodded. I got up and raced out of the room and towards the front doors. I opened them to see them all there: Tamaki, Kyoya, Honey, Mori, Hikaru, and Kaoru. "(m/n)!" Honey said when he saw my face. He ran over and grabbed my hand. "Guys..." I breathed, still in awe. "We heard what happened, so we quickly came," Kaoru said. 

"Yeah, we're worried about you," Hikaru added. "So, we followed Haruhi to your house," Tamaki said and I smiled. I felt Haruhi join me at my side. "Thank you guys so much," I said and they all smiled. Meanwhile, Jirou sat in his room, his face in his hands. The scene of (m/n) snapping at him still evident in his thoughts. "(m/n)..." He breathed. His shoulders started to shake before they suddenly stopped. 

"Everything's fine, stop being butthurt, you idiot." Jirou scolded himself as he stood up and decided to check on the other servants. To pass the time and obviously, distract himself from (m/n).

The Invitation (OHSHC x Male!Reader) DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora