The New Host: Part 2

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Anyways, after my introduction, everyone was settling down with the host they chose. I was sat with a group of girls at a table of sweets. I was currently serving everyone a plate of sliced cake when I made direct eye contact with a girl. "Wow, (m/n), your eyes are so beautiful!" The girl complimented and you gave her a warm smile. "Thank you, I'm happy that my eyes were the cause of your beautiful smile," I said as I grabbed her hand and closed my eyes as I gently kissed it. I'm sure that by now you've noticed my personality has done a complete 180° flip. 

Well, I'm kinda like a coin, and by that, I have two sides that go hand in hand with each other. On one side of the coin is the kind, handsome, carefree side of me and the other side is the seductive, overconfident, bold side of me. Haruhi likes to call the second one my "fun" side, while the other one is just chill. I suppose that's just a fancier way of saying that I'm an ambivert... Oh well. Anyways, all the girls squealed when I opened my mesmerizing eyes and looked up. I let go of the girl's hand and sat back up in my chair. 

"So tell me, ladies, what would you all like to converse about?" I asked as I elegantly took a sip of tea. "We were wondering if you could tell us more about you, (m/n)." One of the girls said and I smiled and nodded. "Oh, what would you like to know?" I asked and one of the girls blurted out, "Do you have naturally tan skin?" I blinked and then laughed, making the girl blush out of embarrassment. "Forgive me for laughing, I didn't mean to make you feel silly. I've just never been asked that question," I said and then continued. 

"My mother's from Spain, and I take after her a lot," I explained and this surprised the girls. "Amazing. Can you speak Spanish?" I internally smirked as I came to her side. I grabbed her hand and cupped her face as I leaned in, all the while staring into her eyes. *"Has iniciado un fuego en lo profundo de mi corazón, que si intentaba extinguirlo, no tendría éxito." I said and the girl's face went completely red. I then stood up and said, "Did that answer your question, Princesa?" The girl only looked up at me and looked like she was in a daze. 

Meanwhile, this was catching the attention of other girls, but most importantly, the other host club members. Kyoya and Tamaki were standing together and watching me interact with the girls. "Well, I wasn't expecting (m/n) to be so bold," Kyoya said and Tamaki nodded in agreement. "Yes, his words are captivating and his actions back it up! He's amazing!" Tamaki commented and Kyoya smirked. "He'll definitely bring in more customers." After Kyoya said that, more of the boys started appearing. 

"He's really good, but doesn't that worry you, Tamaki?" Kaoru asked. "Huh?" Tamaki looked over at the twins. "What we mean is that he's probably going to get really popular," Hikaru started. "Which means that most of the girls are going to request him." Kaoru finished. "Doesn't that mean that Tama-chan won't be #1 anymore?" Honey chirped in. "What?" Tamaki said in shock as he looked back at me when I had just made the girls laugh. Tamaki then ran away and swept up Haruhi from her table. He brought her back to the guys. 

"What the hell is your problem, Senpai?" Haruhi seethed and Tamaki ignored her question. "Why didn't you tell me (m/n) was this good!" Tamaki asked as he turned her attention to (m/n). She then looked back at Tamaki and said, "I told you that (m/n) was smooth with the ladies. It's not my fault that you didn't take me seriously." Haruhi said and Tamaki frowned. Finally understanding what was wrong, Haruhi said, "I don't know why you're getting so worked up about this. I mean, he's not going to replace you."

Tamaki parted his lips, agape, and waited for Haruhi to continue. "Sure he's good, but not everybody likes his type. That's why we're all different, right? If we were all the same then everybody would have the same amount of people. You're the princely type, wouldn't any girl pick a prince over any guy?" Haruhi asked and Tamaki teared up. "Oh, Haruhi!" Tamaki cried out as he latched himself to her. Back with me, I heard Tamaki's cry and looked over to see Tamaki all over an annoyed-looking Haruhi. I made eye contact with her and smirked while she just glared back at me. I laughed and brought my attention back to my current guests. 

*"You have started a fire deep in my heart, that if I tried to extinguish it, I would not succeed."  

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