The light above me suddenly switched on, illuminating my whole face and the bucket in my hands. Someone had seen me. I quickly dropped the bucket and ran down the street before anyone caught me.

I felt alive and much happier now. Once I got home I walked in to the cold, barren surroundings of our home. We lived in a small hut like place in one of the poorer parts of town in Seville. Almost everyone here were immigrants from even poorer countries, all trying to make a decent living.

The turnover here was high and more than often people were evicted. My mother worked in a brothel down town and a rich man had taken up with her and made her his mistress.

It was because of this that we were able to survive here for so long without money but food was sparse and he never bothered about our food and expenses. That was why I had looked for a work since I was fifteen and after a year I finally got one that paid a little.

I walked in and collapsed onto the rug on the floor. My body was aching and I was exhausted from all the hard labour. I closed my eyes and reminded myself to set the fire before I fell asleep.

The room was dead silent. My mother wasn't in, she must have left to work early. After a moment of rest my body began to shake. I got up and lighted the fireplace and then I looked around for any food in sight.

My mother must have finished the burnt loaf of bread I brought home yesterday.

My stomach was throbbing with hunger, I clutched my side and hugged myself as I lay on the make shift bed we had made on the floor. I could feel my rib cage protruding out against my skin. I had lost more weight and was nothing more than skin and bones. If we carried on like this I would disappear.

The next few days went by slowly and painfully. I would stretch out broken pieces of bad bread throughout the day. While I lost more and more of myself to hunger my mother had somehow stayed the same size.

I was beginning to grow suspicious of her. How was it she wasn't starving like I was?

By the end of the week I had finally gotten my first pay. After some deductions it was less than I had anticipated but it was something at least.

I bought some meat at the market and some bread from the bakery on the way back. It was exhilarating to finally be able to feed myself without scavenging.

When I got home I was surprised to see my mother sitting by the table. She hadn't set the fire and she was shaking slightly.

I rushed to her and set the meat and bread in front of her. I expected her to be happy but she looked far from impressed.

"Did you spend all your money already?" She asked with a withdrawn expression on her face.

"No," I still have a bit.

"Let me see," She placed her hand out to me and I took out the money in my pocket and gave it to her.

She quickly counted all the money and then she pocketed it.

"What are you doing? Are you planning to buy more food for us?" I asked. Something felt off and I was suddenly nervous of her behaviour.

"No, I'm collecting my rent," She replied in a crisped tone. She then stood up and made her way to the door.

It took me a few seconds to register what she had said.

"Rent? I've been bringing us food every day. I've been taking care of us!" I rushed to her. "What are you going to do with that money?"

Love Bites *Sequel to Insanity Bites*Where stories live. Discover now