Secrets of the Father

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Image above pulled from Google, this is Nicolas Moore current Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack...

***Silas' POV***

Time heals everything....


Whoever thought up that piece of... is a moron!

I suppose that I am getting ahead of myself a bit though, perhaps I should start at the beginning, before I used to hate the world...

My name is Silas Damion (but everyone either calls me Sy or Dam, pronounced Dame) Moore, and this all began when I was seventeen almost eighteen and my father Nicolas was still Alpha... and in case you happen to be a bit slow... YES... I am and every person I care about is a werewolf. My father is a ruthless yet fair Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack in northern Washington state, and though he looks like he aged until his early thirties and stopped I have to say he looks good!

Anyway, all of this hatred started three weeks before my eighteenth birthday when my father called me into his office to advise me that he had arranged for us to travel to a few packs over the few weeks leading up to my birthday. You see as werewolves we get our first shift sometime between our thirteenth and sixteenth birthday, then when we turn sixteen we have the ability to sense our mate. In the werewolf community one's mate is sacred! They are the one created for you by the Moon Goddess herself, someone who will love you unconditionally and be with you for eternity... or so I was told!

After I turned sixteen... however... there was nothing... not even a hint and my damn wolf Titus wouldn't say anything... actually I have never even heard from him. After our initial shift into a massive black wolf with blood red eyes which hurt like hell, I shifted back only to find that my body in human form had changed as well. Standing close to six feet six with a very muscular build... that I work very hard to maintain may I add... short dark brown hair that is almost always spiked up and dark chocolate brown eyes I had become a sex symbol according to my friends at least.

One second... speaking of friends I should tell you about them real quick before I get too deep into this... crap! First of all, we are all the same age having birthdays within a few months of each other... though I am first naturally but only by a day with Oliver's birthday being the next day. My best friend who I would lay down my life for is Oliver Vincent O'Malley, and yes he is Irish. Oliver is only an inch shorter than me with a burlier build sporting dark brown reddish hair that like me is short on the side and styled upwards though his light blue almost ice blue eyes catch a lot of unwanted attention according to him.

Jacob Carter Kingsley and Thomas Roman Satarian are our other two best friends, with Jacob being the bad boy jokester of the group and Thomas being like a stoic WALL! You think I am kidding... Thomas is six feet eight easy, with a broad toned body that if you were to accidentally run into him you would not only fall backwards but you would be the one hurting! Thomas is also the first of us to start growing out his facial hair, gaining a full beard before he turned eighteen though it looks good on him coupled with his shaved sides and longer curly top jet-black hair, and bright emerald eyes. Jacob however is the smallest of us if that is even possible, though he still comes in at six two with a more athletic build, tanned skin, short nearly buzzed midnight black hair that is almost always under a hat of some kind and bright cooper brown eyes.

So, did you figure it out yet... I tend to get off topic easily... back to what I was saying, this all started when my father had decided to make the announcement coupled with saying that it would make it easier to find my mate. Seeing my apprehension to that he told me something that had me moving through the house at a quickened pace slamming my bedroom door so hard that it nearly fell of the wall. Hearing my pissed off roar echo through the house that most likely had almost every pack member shaking and showing their necks in submission, you would think everyone would steer clear of me... but not my friends...

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