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Chapter 1

I always was with the 'cool' kids and went to their parties. The only problem was I didn't like their parties. I knew I shouldn't have gone that night.

I'm Milena Jacobs and this is how it all went down.

Two days ago.

I was walking to my locker. My best friend Kayla came next to me.

"Hello! How's your morning?" She asked with a tired smile.

"You didn't forget the party is tonight, right?" She wondered with a big excited smile.

"How could I? I've been having nightmares just by thinking about it." I utter with a joking tone and a smile.

"How could you say that! It's the party of the year. Like half the school wishes to be able to attend. It's only most of the seniors and their friends who are invited." She rambles on with so much enthusiasm.

We actually weren't on the list but like she said 'the seniors and their friends' well we are the latter. We are in our first year of high school. Kayla actually goes out with a senior so she's invited and she's dragging me because she doesn't want to be out of place if her boyfriend goes to see his friends.

At least it's not my first party that I've been dragged to by my best friend so I know how it goes. since the beginning of the half year of high school, we went to four other parties. The parties I already went to were actually open to all the popular kids. Obviously, we weren't but we were with some popular kids.
But this party is different. It's exclusive.
So a lot of teenagers won't be able to come or know where it is. And the one invited can't tell. They're a bunch of spoiled kids who want a small party.

Kayla wanted to retouch her makeup so we went to the bathroom.

It was empty. I had nothing to do so I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was really light blond. My hair was naturally that color. Also, my hair was very long. My eyes were a very popping light blue color. I wasn't tanned and my skin was pretty pale. My friend compared to me was totally different. Her skin was beautifully tanned. Her hair is jet black.
Her eyes were a blue-green color.

Kayla finished just in time because the bell started to ring. We decided to walk to our class which is the same. We both have French now.

Just before I entered my class someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the classroom door.

"What the hell! Let go!" I yelled with an angry tone.

When I saw who is holding my arm, I got even angrier.

"What are you doing? I can't be late for my class." I ask.

"I'm sorry, but you weren't answering your phone." He answered with a sad face.

The jerk who took me is my ex-boyfriend. His name is James. He's tall, brown-haired and has hazel eyes. He's tanned since he plays lots of sports outside.

"What do you want to talk to me about? You have less than 20 seconds to tell me!" I answered with an annoyed tone.

"Really? Come on!" He implored with his sad little hazel eyes.

"15 seconds," I said with a neutral face.

"Fine. I missed you! Why don't we try again? Huh? Let's go on a date!" He told me with an almost imploring voice.  

"Time's up! See you never!" I reply and told him off still with a neutral face.

And just like that, I left.

I got to say, I almost punched him. You might think I was too harsh but believe me, he deserves it.

I hurried back to my class two minutes late. Kayla looked at me with questioning eyes. I silently mouthed a 'later'.

After the class, we left the school grounds. We were done for the day. Kayla couldn't wait anymore so she asked me:

"What happened? I thought you were behind me but when I turned around you were gone. I tried to go look for you but miss Layton didn't let me go outside since class started." She explained with a worried look.

"James happened," I told her with a calm voice.

When she heard James' name she got angry.

"That annoying moron!" Kayla yelled really angry.

"I see that you're more annoyed than me," I said with a smile.

Kayla's really protective of her friends.

We went to the little coffee shop near our school and I told her what happened. She got angrier. At the same time, she was delighted by my response to James. She was scared I would be weak and give him a second chance. The only thing is I don't believe in second chances.

Actually, we are like this because of the most common thing guys do. They cheat. They probably think it's fine since they're guys. I dumped his ass when I found out. And he's been pathetic ever since. I would've liked it if he told me he didn't like me anymore. But no, he just went behind my back and cheated.

Anyway, I stayed with Kayla for another couple of hours before leaving to go home.


I got home and it was almost seven. My mother was waiting in the living room.

"Are you waiting for something?" I asked my mother.

"Actually, yes. I meant to tell you before but I didn't have the courage nor the right moment." She confesses with a serious face.

I didn't like where this was going. It didn't look like something I would like to hear. 

"I found someone." She added.

"What do you mean?" I asked, pretending I didn't know the answer. I didn't want to hear it. I kind of hoped she would say something else.

"I've been dating a guy." She answered cautiously.

She waited for my reaction.

I was a little in shock. But my face didn't show it. My brain, on the other hand, stopped working and was thinking about what my mother just said.

When I was able to think again I asked her:

"Since when?" I questioned her, scared for the response.

"It's been a while. Last Christmas we made it official." She explained. 

"L-l-last... Christmas?" I asked with a shocked response.

It's almost been a year and she didn't tell me?

I couldn't believe it. I wonder if she lied to me because of her relation?

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