Chapter Four.

Começar do início

Sure, she didn't know who the CEO was, but she had heard a lot about his company–not eager enough to search it up, but usually heard it from the people around her, how the company had hit success in a short span of time, and how the young CEO had managed to get it to one of the most highly successful companies.

Hence, she was here, ready in her attire, finishing her breakfast as she made up her mind for the plans of the day; a short visit to the cafe first, then a meeting with her monthly supplier, a quick check on the supplies, and then– finally the meeting at the main building of the Park Enterprises.

Seeing as the appointment was scheduled at night, she had an inkling that the company really was a busy one, loads of appointments, all fitted in a single day.

Sana sighed, already disliking the hectic plans for the whole day, but decided to act on it immediately, knowing better than idling around and not acknowledging her responsibilities.

Pushing herself off the stool by the worktop, grabbed her bag and the car keys, she walked out of the flat.

The drive out of the complex garage was mostly uneventful, silence engulfing her as she drove at a normal pace, fingers tapping on the steering wheel occasionally.

She stopped at a red light, not much crowd around, except for some other cars, and a few pedestrians.

Sana subconsciously hummed as she fished into her bag for her phone, one hand still on the steering wheel. However, before she could do as much as pull her phone out, something collided with her car from the back, not with much force but enough to jerk her forward, and she would've ended with a bloody nose if not for the seatbelt securing her. The impact was not too much, but Sana was sure it would leave a nasty bump in the car.

Groaning, she unbuckled her seatbelt, hands frantic. "Why is everyone testing me today. I swear, this is unbelievable," she grumbled to herself, stepping out of the car.

She shivered slightly as the cool breeze hit her, but composed her posture soon, making her way to the obnoxiously rich car at the back, exaggeratedly black in color with its windows tinted.

Sana held herself back from rolling her eyes.

Knocking on the tinted window, she crossed her arms, eyebrows raised as she mustered up the most unimpressed look on her face.

Almost expectedly, a middle aged man rolled down the window, shades on, corners of his mouth turned up cockily.

"Yes?" He spoke, arching a brow even higher.

Sana huffed exasperatedly before plastering up a sweet smile. "Sir, I believe it was you who bumped into my car, if I'm not wrong," she said.

The said man stayed quiet for a while before taking his shades off, nodding curtly. "Yes, that was me. Do you need money for that bump? Is that why you came here? Because–"

"Listen," Sana silenced him sternly, teetering dangerously on the edge of losing her patience. "I believe it's common etiquette to apologize to someone after damaging their property, or I'd have to contact the respective insurance companies," she spoke, managing to keep her voice steady.

The man scoffed, opening the door. Sana stepped back, letting him outside. He walked to her car, inspecting it for a moment before walking to her again. Sana pinned him under a cool glare.

"Yah! it's not even that damaged. Unlike you, I've got a busy day ahead of me. Stop wasting everyone's time and move on," he said cockily, and before Sana could even react, he moved forward, patted her check twice before opening the door to his car again, face straight and devoid of any emotions.

Sana flinched, eyes widening before she turned to glare at him. "How dare you touch me like that. You–" she snapped.

'Stop wasting your time on useless people, move on! What are you–'

Before she could do anything else, a man approached them, clad in a neatly ironed office suit. He had a kind face, but Sana was too angry to notice that.

"I'm sorry– there seems to be a problem, is everything okay? My boss sent me to check–"

"I can take care of this just fine, thank you. Tell your boss to fret not, it certainly does not concern him." Perhaps her reply was too snappish and rude, but she couldn't control it anymore.

The said main raised his hands in surrender, opening his mouth to say something before the one responsible for the whole ordeal beat him to it.

"Oi, why don't you get moving? Or do you want me to do something else? Stop whining like a bitch in he–" he barked, and before he could complete the awful sentence, Sana cut him off, eyes narrowed as her bottom lip quivered with anger. "You damaged my property, behaved rudely, and then touched me without my consent–" the man frowned, opening his mouth to protest when Sana spoke again, "–and then you have the audacity to continue this verbal abuse. Consider yourself lucky I haven't called the police yet," she retorted.

The man's features twisted, anger seeping into his expression fast, and Sana vaguely registered the other man still standing by the side.

"Listen here, why don't you fuck off? You fucking–"

"Oh I will, for sure. But before that, let me just do the honor of–"

"Miss! You're blocking the traffic!"

Without completing her sentence, she turned, taking a picture of the car's number plate, and sent him a curt nod. The man in the car yelled at her as she made her way back, setting the phone aside.

Ignoring the loud thumping of her heart, she turned on the ignition. Sana wasn't going to do anything with that obnoxious man, but maybe keeping him dreading a call from her insurance company would be enough to satisfy her.

She rolled down the windows, and hoped for the rest of the day to turn out well, please. She didn't know what she'd do if she would have to deal with one more asshole.


Evanescent | Park Jimin. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora