"Are you planning on going to college?"


"What college?"

"Middle Tennessee State."

"Do you live here?"

Time to lie. "Yes."

"Okay. Well, usually I wouldn't give anybody this job with no experience but we are really short on staff and we really need the help. You've got the job! But I will have to start you out in hanging clothes."

"Hanging clothes?!" I pretended to be very upset.

"Yes. You don't have any experience in working a cash register..."

"This sucks! You know what?! I quit!" I yelled running out of the room. As soon as I made it out of the store I began cracking up laughing, Hunter joined in with me.

"You did it?"

"Yeah! She told me I would be hanging up clothes so I was like 'this sucks! I quit!' and then I ran out!" We laughed even harder as we walked down the street to the next coffee place.

"What would you like?" The barista asked, twirling a piece of her hair around her finger, clearly flirting with Hunter.

"Can I get 3 cups of coffee?" He asked.

She looked confused, but nodded her head anyways. "Yeah, but only if you give me a call sometime." She told him, biting her lip.

His eyes widened, but then he smirked. He pulled me over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I have a girlfriend."

I rolled my eyes at him, but played along. "Yeah, and I don't like it when girls flirt with him. So please, can you get him his coffee and leave him alone?"

Her eyes widened. "Yeah, um. I'm erm, I'm so sorry."

After Hunter downed those 3 cups of coffee, he was way more interjetic than usual. Like he was going crazy.

"Oh my gosh! I am soooo ready to go trampolining! I think it sounds really fun! Do you? Cause I do! Let's go like right now! I want to do some flips and-"

"Hunter! Calm down."

"I don't want to! I feel so awake! Lets go!!!!" He said, dragging me to the car. He started walking over to the drivers side seat, but I stopped him.

"I'm going to drive." I said, taking the keys out of his hands.

"You know, that's probably a GREAT idea! Cause I'm really hyper right now and that could be bad news! I could end up driving off of the road by accident! We don't want that to happen!"

I giggled. "No we don't. So let's get going." I buckled up and he did to. Then I put the keys in the ignition and started up the vehicle before driving down the road towards the trampoline place.

Once we got there, Hunter had calmed down a little, but no so much. He was still really hyper.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited! Can we go in now?" He asked, acting like a child.

"Yeah, just give this man your wrist." I told him. He nodded his head and the man attached a bracelet to his arm.

"Let's go!!!" Hunter said, dragging me inside. He threw off his shoes and placed them in a shoe container thingy, and I followed along.

He grabbed my hand as we made our way over to the trampolines and started jumping.

"I want to try a flip!" Hunter said excitedly.

"Hunter, I don't know if that is a good idea..."

"But you can teach me! You used to be a cheerleader! You know how to do flips!"

"Yes, but that took years to learn!"

"You're no fun!"

"Plus, your manager doesn't want you to get hurt."

"My manager can kiss my-"

"Hunter, if I let you do a flip will you stop?"

He smiled sheepishly. "Yes."

"Okay, just watch me." I said. I stood there and started jumping up and down getting high enough to do a front flip. I stuck the landing.

His eyes widened and he started jumping, trying to copy what I did. Let's just say, he didn't stick the landing.

"Ouch!" Hunter told me, grabbing onto his ankle.

"Oh my gosh!" I said, rushing to his side. He can't be hurt! His manager is litterally going to kill me! Don't be surprised if I am dead tomorrow...

"Where does it hurt?" I asked him.

"Right around...." He started to point at his ankle. "Nowhere! I was joking with ya!" And at the he got up and started jumping again.

"I hate you!" I told him. He stopped jumping and looked at me, giving me a sad, puppy dog face. I rolled my eyes. "You know I'm kidding you idiot!" I said, pushing him. He frowned again. "Just Keep jumping!"

All I Ever Wanted (Hunter Hayes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now