Weapon Partner

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Next day after class
Maka wants to help me get dressed for the ceremony tonight but I'm not to sure. We are headed to the Death Room to talk to Dad. It is just me and her. As we walk in we both kneel. "Dad um we have a question." I say. He turns to me. "What is it?" He asks. We stand up. "Maka wants to come over and help me get dressed for the ceremony." I say. His face turns serious. "No." He says. Maka seems shocked. "What why?" She asks. "Because I said no." He says. "No offense but is there something you are hiding?" She asks. He looks to be angry but calms himself down. "It is to complicated to explain. I will not allow anyone to know and you aren't to tell anyone we are keeping something from others." He says. "You can trust me Lord Death. Please just let me know. I won't tell anyone about it." She says. I drop my head. "Fine. Come." He says. We follow him from the academy and to the house. As we get there Kid, Liz, and Patty walk from the family room. Dad locks the house down and Maka seems worried. "This does not leave this house Maka. You do not tell Soul either." Dad says. "I understand." She says. He nods and I take my jacket off. She sees my tattoos and gasps. She backs up some worried. "You are a witch?" She asks. "No. She is one of us. A few days after she was born the snake witch showed up. I was gone on a job and Thana was here with Kid. They both was in bed. I got a bad feeling so I raced home. Only she had Thana. She was laughing while Thana was crying. She tried to get away and to distract me dropped Thana from her bedroom window. I jumped out to save her. Whenever I checked her over all I found was the cut along the right side of her face. After I got her wound cleaned and all and her put to bed I made sure Kid went to bed then I myself did. Only she returned. She cast a spell on Thana and gave her witch powers. Only she wasn't turned into one. She simply has the powers as well as these tattoos to show her abilities." Dad explains it all to her. She is shocked and looks hurt as he tells her. I end up looking down rubbing my arm in shame. Arms wrap around me and hold me close. I am shocked to respond. "Your secret is safe with me." She says. I relax and hug her back. "Thanks Maka. You are a great friend." I say. She pulls away and smiles. "So want to go get ready now?" She asks. I smile. "Sure." I say. Dad lets us go up to my room and she helps me pick out a dress.
Hours later
Maka finishes fixing my hair and smiles brightly. "Perfect!" She excitedly says. I look in the mirror and I'm amazed. "Wow! I look totally different!" I say. "Come on. The ceremony starts soon." She says. I nod and we leave my room. Kid walks from his room and gasps. "Thana!" He says. I get worried. "What's wrong?" I ask. "You look amazing little sis." He says. My face turns red. "R. Really?" I ask. He nods. "Well come on. You two need to go." Maka says. We laugh and head downstairs. Liz and Patty meet up with us and look amazing as well. I am wearing a full length navy blue dress that hugs my body. It is of course long sleeve that way no one sees my fox tattoos. The dress has my family's symbol on it at the bottom. I am wearing black flats instead of the normal heels girls wear. Mainly because I would literally break my neck. I have a necklace with my family's symbol as well. Kid is wearing his normal black suit. It is not any different then his normal everyday look. Liz and Patty are wearing matching dark red dresses and matching shoes with slight heels. They have their hair pulled into buns in the back. We leave the house and head to the academy. Maka tells us goodbye then goes home. She has a weapon so she doesn't need to attend the ceremony. When we get there Kid leaves to go to dad. They talk but I stay off to the side. Several others talk but I don't talk to anyone. I am a bit nervous to be here. Everyone looks amazing and seem to get along greatly. I watch as people talk and laugh. No one seems to notice me which is good. "Good afternoon everyone." Dad calls. The room goes silent. "As you all know tonight you will be assigned your partners. Kid will call up Meisters while Stein searches for the right weapon match up for you." Dad says. I wait patiently for my name to be called. "Thana!" Kid calls. Everyone whispers not knowing who I am. I walk forward and more whispers go around. I stand beside my brother and wait. "Benji and Lucas." Stein calls. Two boys walk over. They bow some as do I. Dad fixes it were our souls are bonded and we walk back off stage. After a while everyone has a partner. I am talking with my two partners and getting to know them. "You know it is rare to have two weapons. Who are you anyway? No one has ever seen you before." A boy asks. I turn to him. "I am Thana. I just started the other day." I answer. He raises an eyebrow. "Why can a small girl like you have two weapons?" He asks. "Is there a problem with it?" Benji asks. "Yes in fact there is. If anyone should have two weapons it would be me." He says. I narrow my eyes and control my anger. "Excuse me but there isnt about to b a fight is there? I would hate to have the perfectly set up room to be destroyed." My brother asks. Looking around I realize it is symmetrical. I shake my head and face palm. "Let me guess you did the design of the ceremony?" I ask. He nods. "Now explain." He says. "He came over here starting stuff. Said Thana should have two weapons." Lucas says. "Well you are wrong. Thana is stronger than you and every student here." He says. "Oh really now? That's a lie." He says. Kid crosses his arms. "Wrong. It is true. You see, unlike you she is a reaper." He says. The boy looks confused. Others are listening as well. "Kid be quiet. Everyone is watching us." I say grabbing his arm. He ignores me like always. "What do you mean?" He asks. "She is the daughter of Lord Death himself. Also my little sister. She has more power than you and will always be stronger." He says. This makes me angry. "Kid!" I scold. He looks at me. He has a serious look on his face. "Not now Thana." He says. I huff and punch his arm. "You idiot! Now the whole room knows." I say. He looks around. "Ops." He says. I shake my head. "You are so stupid!" I say. He huffs. "Am not!" He says. I go to argue but Stein walks over. "Okay kids. No fighting. Kid, Thana take your weapons and go see Lord Death." He says. We walk to dad with our weapons. Dad looks at us and seems happy. "Well I am glad you finally have your weapon Thana. Even better that you have two." He says. "Thanks Dad." I say. He pats my head. "You two will come live at our mansion. There is plenty of room." Dad says. My two weapons accept his offer and I smile. "Well enjoy the party. Remember don't be to late going home. There is no telling if a witch or Kishin is in hiding." He says. We walk off and split up.
Next day  
Something hits me and I jump up. “Get up already. We have school.” Benji scolds. I jump up out of bed. “What time is it?” I ask. “Eight o’clock.” he says. My eyes grow wide. “What? Why haven’t you woke me already?” I yell. “I tried.” he says. I kick him out and quickly dress in my normal outfit. I run out of my room as I fix my hair like always. It is down except the front. I have the front braided then pulled back and in a hair tie. I run downstairs to see my weapons waiting. We run out and to the academy. As we get to Stein’s classroom I am tired. We run in and everything is quiet. “You are late.” he says. “I’m sorry. I accidentally sleep in.” I say. He narrows his eyes. “I see.” he says. I am confused then I remember I didn’t put makeup on the right side of my face. I grit my teeth. “I’m so stupid.” I growl. “Take your seats.” he says. We go to our seats in the back of the classroom. I sit down and lay my head on the desk. Stein starts teaching and I sit back up. I listen throughout class and take notes. After class a few walk over. “Hey.” one girl says. “Hello.” I say as I pack my things up. “What happened?” she asks. I tense up. Her friend smacks her for her question. “That is rude.” she scolds. “Sorry.” she says. I ignore it all and put my bag on my back. “I would rather not talk about it.” I say. The door opens and a familiar woman walks in. She scans the room then goes to Stein. “I need to see Miss Thana in my office.” she says. I walk towards them. “What do you need me for? Who are you even?” I ask. She turns to me. “I am Medusa. I am the academy nurse. It is my job to give all new students a medical check.” she says. I stand here not trusting her. “Well my health is perfectly fine so no need to do so.” I say. “Wait you never checked Kid’s health until he was hurt one day.” Maka says. She looks to be tensed but trying to hide it. "New rules Maka. this was just decided a few weeks ago.” she says. I can tell she is lying though. “Sorry but no. I do not listen to liers.” I say. She seems shocked. I study her and try to figure out what it is about her that feels familiar. My scar starts to hurt which confuses me. I rub the side of my face still not sure what is going on. “Thana if it is new rule then go.” Stein says. I grit my teeth but do as told. He is my Professor after all. Even if he is under me I am considered under him now. I follow the nurse and she leads me to the nurse’s office. She does weird tests and checks on me. She tries to lift my sleeve but I hit her hand away. She seems amused by this and walks away. She writes a few things down and then walks back over. “Okay so you was right. You are in good health. You may leave.” she says. I get up and leave. As I walk down the hall I am confused. That woman gives me the creeps. I walk outside and soon come across my weapons and my friends. “So?” Maka asks. “She is weird. I hope I never have to see her again.” I say. “Yeah she is kind of out there. Stein is creepier though.” she says. I raise an eyebrow. “Stein is not all that bad. Then again he is my dad’s weapon so I grew up around him.” I say. “Well we are all going over to Maka and Soul’s. Want to come?” Benji asks. “Sure. I don’t see why not.” I say. We walk toward their place and talk. We get there and Maka nearly kills a cat. She yells at it for tearing up some books laying in the floor. The cat sees us and transforms into a human. I stand here shocked to see a witch. “Don’t worry Blair is not a witch. She is a monster cat. They are two different things but she is such a little brat!” Maka says. I look at the girl but relax some. I still don’t trust her though. I look over to notice Kid, Soul, and Blackstar all have nose bleeds as they look at her. I smack Kid to get him to cut it out. “Idiot.” I say. I shake my head at him and he looks to be embarrassed. We all go into the living room and sit around. We joke and talk as we sit here. Kid and Blackstar end up arguing. I swear they are so annoying. I then think of something. “Maka can I talk to you alone.” I say. She nods and we get up. We walk into another room leaving the others confused. “What is it?” she asks. “It is Medusa. Whenever she had me in her office she tried to push my sleeve up. Whenever I smacked her hand she seemed to be amused like she knew.” I say. She looks shocked. “That is not good. Did you tell Lord Death yet?” she asks. I shake my head. “No I don’t want him to know. I wanted to talk to you and see if you would help me investigate this.” I say. She nods. “Of course.” she says. I rub my head. “Also something about her is familiar but I don’t know what or know her.” I sigh. She looks worried. “We will figure this out.” she says. I sigh and look down. “The whole time she was near me my scar hurt. I don’t understand what that means. What if she has something to do with the witch that attacked me? She could be working for her or something.” I say. “Don’t worry Thana. We will get this all fixed.” she says. I nod and try relaxing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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