18. Lee's 1st Bday

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Bass's POV.

It's Lee's first birthday! He's growing up too fast. He just learned how to to walk and now he's starting to learn how to talk which is very funny honestly.

"Da!Da!" Lee screamed while crawling around on the floor, I went over and picked him up off the floor where he was playing and kissed his head,

"What's up Lee?" I asked holding him and making him smile, he pointed behind me to the kitchen, he's hungry.

"You're hungry?" I asked and Lee smiled  so I assumed that meant yes.
I took Lee with me to the kitchen and got out some baby food for him.
Gxxod's at work at the moment so I'm doing a lot of stuff on my own at the moment, but he'll be back in about 3 hours so he can be here for Lee's mini-bday party.

"Bass! You home?" My dad and Gxxod's mom yelled from the front door, I went over and opened the door for them then ran back to the kitchen because I don't want Lee alone in there.

"You ok?" Dad asked as I ran to the kitchen.

"Yeah I'm feeding Lee right now," I said and they came into the kitchen to see Lee but he was too focused on food to see his grandparents.

"Lee," Gxxod's mom said and Lee turned around and smiled and babbled a lot to them, his way of saying hi.

"Hi baby," my dad said and fixed his bib a bit.

"Just put his gifts in the living room," I said and they both left to put the gifts down. My mom unfortunately passed away shortly after Lee was born, and Gxxod's parents are divorced so its rare to see them together now. So my dad and Gxxod's mom usually show up together, my dad is just is just keeping an eye on her because Gxxod's mom is sick/disabled and needs some extra help so my dad goes over and helps her around the house.

"Hey baby," Gxxod said coming up behind me and hugging me kissing my neck a bit.

I jumped because he scared me but smiled and kissed his cheek, Lee smiled and yelled for Gxxod and held his arms up for a hug.

"Da!Da!" Lee yelled and Gxxod cleaned his face/took his bib off, and then picked him up and hugged him kissing his head. Lee smiled and was very happy to have both his dads here now.

"You came home early," I said and also hugged him while he was still holding Lee.

"I wanted to surprise you guys," he said and leaned down to kiss me, Lee just started babbling and laughing at us. I smiled and hugged them both.

"Just a year left, you sure you still wanna marry me?" Gxxod asked joking obviously knowing the answer.

"Ofcourse I still do," I said smiling

- after the party -

Lee had a great time, he got a lot of new toys and clothes, mainly toys.
Gxxod and I got him more clothes and food etc, KimCop-TaeTee got him toys, and our parents got him toys/clothes and some books to help him learn to talk. Overall it was a great 'party' Lee fell asleep after eating a small piece of the cake Copter made.

Gxxod put Lee in his crib and I laid down on the couch since I wasn't feeling well, (not pregnant again just sick because of the lack of sleep).
I need to sleep more but it's hard with a small baby and a fiancè who's working over time to get more money for the wedding.

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