6. First Real Date

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Bass's POV.

Its a few days later, we only have 4 days left of the trip and I'm finally coming back to the hotel to see everyone, mainly Gxxod to be honest. I walked into our room and Gxxod immediately hugs me, I hug him back and kiss his cheek. I waved to TaeTee but I didn't say anything I told Gxxod i wasn't gonna talk much I just wanted to come back and hang out with everyone for the last few days of the trip.

"Can we talk?" Gxxod asked me a few minutes later, I nodded and followed him out side.  We walked down to the beach and sat by the water not saying much,

"What's up?" I asked looking up at him after sitting there for awhile.

"I wanted to ask you out on a date, like a real date," Gxxod said looking at me to see my reaction.

"You like me?" I asked, "Not just as a fling or anything but like as an actual boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yeah, I like you a lot," Gxxod answered, I wanna give him a chance, he's a nice guy and I trust him enough to know he won't hurt me.

"I like you too, but you've got to understand that I can't trust people that easily, just warning you on that now," I said and leaned on him when he put his arm around me.

"I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to gain your trust, I really want something to work between us," Gxxod said and kissed my forehead. I nodded and we just sat on the beach looking out at the water and just talking about random things trying to get to know eachother better. Kimmon came over to us along with the Fairy Angels and TaeTee, they set up a huge dinner for all of us since we havent hung out together in a while.
Gxxod and I didn't move over to them right away we were still talking about some stuff but we did eventually join everyone and had a really nice time. The food was great too; E'Mon and Red cooked.

I was getting tired and leaned on Gxxod, I haven't been sleeping well the past few days thinking and over thinking to much and it was all starting to hit me now.

3rd Person POV.

"Is he asleep?" Tee asked Gxxod, Gxxod looked down at the younger a realized he fell asleep.

"Yeah, he seemed really tired earlier." Gxxod said.

"He's barely slept since he came over to my place," Kimmon said and explained to them very vaguely what happened.

Gxxod let Bass sleep for a bit before picking him up and taking him back to the hotel room so he can sleep more comfortably. Tae was sceptical and didn't trust them alone but Kimmon said it was ok and that Gxxod wouldn't do anything to Bass without asking first.

And Kimmon's right, Bass woke up when Gxxod set him down on the bed and he asked what was going on, Gxxod said he brought him back so he could sleep better and Bass smiled at that and loved how considerate Gxxod was.

"Can you stay with me?" Bass asked as he pulled the blankets up to his neck.
Gxxod nodded and laid down next to Bass making sure he was ok and everything.

Gxxod put his arms around Bass and pulled him closer to himself and asked if he could kiss him.
Bass nodded and they kissed before pulling away and falling asleep for the rest of the night.

Beach Trip -  GxxodBassTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang